Scared.. upset

by Xx trying to be strong but only just holding onxX   Oct 29, 2007

The only thing that i can think of at the moment is...
what that one person did to me and my friends
as i got it all the worst

with it being on my mind at the moment it brings me to tears.

I'm so scared it what i might do with all this on my mind.

i dint even no how to express the feelings that are inside me right now

there is so much that i want to do to this person to make him suffer like we all did

to make him cry himself to sleep at night

wishing that it would have never of happened
i don't no how to deal with this stuff

when he told my friend that he wanted to rape me and other friend if we didn't want to have sex with him.

i was so scared that he might just one day do it.

tears running down my cheek

i cant even say anymore cos I'm to upset to write it down.

I'm sorry to all the girls that got hurt by him i hope that he dies a really painful death.


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