I'm Done.

by Court   Nov 5, 2007

I'm tired of trying
To make you fall in love with me.
I've come to the fact
That me and you will never be.

I'm letting you go
Once and for all
You can go back to your life
You can just watch me fall.

It sucks so bad
It hurts like hell
Letting you go
But I had to do it, so o well.

So I'm done with it
I can't take the pain
I'm tired of my loss
Always being your gain.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Jesyka Vendetta

    :'( and that makes me pense que Dustin! i love him and i wish i could just forget him but i can't! especially when he's like freaking txting me all the dang time! its hard but i wanna talk to him anyways even if it does hurt me more and more each time D':