A Single Rose

by Melody of Suffering   Dec 14, 2007

A single rose was all I ever wanted
A red rose to brighten my dark world
To shimmer in the light after the rain
To grow anew after the long winter
To shed it's seeds and grow more roses
So that every person who is sad can smile
I can give one to everyone who deserves to smile
Because, I think that everyone should be able to smile
At the warmth of a flower that means love
Not to be saddened because of lost love
But to hope for more love to cross their path
And to smile brightly at the rose as it grows

So I give a rose to you and hope
That you will let it grow and live on
Even after the cold days of a frigid winter
Into a beautiful bud and into an even lovelier flower
Just like it did for me and for my heart
When I was lost and cold
Let it grow on forever
As your heart will continue to grow


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