Everyone has problems

by applecheeks   Jan 3, 2008

Do the words I speak to you fall deaf upon your ears?
And have all the times Ive tried so hard meant nothing for all these years?
Is it not you who must learn to set aside all of your fears
So then you can finally see things for the way they really appear

Do you think that I cant comprehend lifes cruel hand?
You think Im too immature to fully grasp or to even understand
Because I live my life by Gods standards and what He has planned
It seems you choose to feed the fire that the world continues to fan

Do you think youre singled out, forgotten and abused?
Do you think youre the only one standing on trial falsely accused?
No there are many of us out there who are tattered, tore and bruised
Life can be so much easier but its HIS love youve refused

Life has picked me up, thrown me down, and even spit me out
I have walked through lonely times with an enemy called doubt
Life has taken us on some journeys where we wanted to take another route
Like when our son died in our arms, it felt like our hearts were being ripped out

Not everyone has it as rough as you, no, others have it worse
Yet you tread on thru this life God has given you as though it were a curse
Everyone has there own set of problems all unique and so diverse
Yet youll never find an answer to the problems until you put God first

Do the words I speak bring misery to your soul?
Will you continue to treat me as though Im on parole?
When will you stop and realize that YOU ARE NOT in control
Helping you to find your way to Jesus is my biggest goal!


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