Lighting The Way

by Kalie M   Jan 14, 2008

The longest drive down a street so windy
the sun has set into the thickest of nights
windows down as only slow dashboard plays
no one is around, not a soul in sight

the wind doesn't speak, the air is soft
speeding so quick, cares flow from my eyes
so this is what they call letting go
and this is the meaning of a moving life

the moon is full, this road is endless
driving through to a feeling felt so far
no map is needed for past directions were lies
arm out the window reaching for the stars

trees remain steady as i fly by their stare
the moon follows but i'm forced to look ahead
phone thrown far, it doesn't matter where i am
erasing past thoughts embedded in my head

as the wind catches up, i let go of the wheel
the heart in this new wind will never seethe
my hair blows so calm, as it dries all waters
as i am reminded to remember to breathe

down this back road, i deny what is not denying truth
i am my own and only witness to my release
my passion, my soul, my heart on the line
i continue this road in goals of ending in one piece

the dark road suspiciously shows a glare of light
flying so quickly down this road of retreat
i pass by the light, which wants to me halt
but i will not stop, not this time, not me

the air has ceased, so my eyes can better flow
i cry out to the Lord what my heart is feeling
this never-ending road is what i have chosen
unless moons forces so choose life to be broken

as he speeds down the road the feeling is thick
he notices the light, slowing down in dismay
he almost stops to see what shines so brightly
until my light goes out, and he loses his way


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