Poems by Robiie

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  • Strange how you can brighten my day,
    By just being you...

  • So damaged inside,
    Something I just have to hide...

  • As I sit here,
    shining tears streaming down my tear soaked...

  • Real (1)

    Here I am trying to write a poem about how I...
    People who have tryed this know how hard it is to...

  • I don't know why I am who I am,
    I don't know why I do the things I do...

  • Sweet 16...
    And never been whole...

  • Thought maybe I'd get better,
    Maybe I'd be able to be truly happy...

  • Here I sit,
    Carving "I am nothing" into my thigh...

  • To you (1)

    Hurt my closest,
    Want so bad to be better...

  • Without a sound...
    I lock myself in my room...

  • Kiss me once,
    So sweetly just kiss me so I can remember you...

  • I look down at you,
    My Saviour...