Green Maiden

About Green Maiden

Hmmm... a general introduction to me...oh, well, here I go.

Name: Sarah, Tiniwiel, Tinny-wiggle, Tin, Tin-can(Don't ask. Really, don't)

Age: Nineteen (going on twenteen)

Hobbies: Reading ( I always read, even whilst walking. Or eating. I have excellent peripheral vision. Hey, I only walked into that window twice!), writing (mostly fantasy, though I'm not fussed), sewing (and wearing my Mediaeval creations to college) oh, and singing. Bet you wish you hadn't asked now, huh?

Ambitions: to become a Theatrical Costumier. Oh, yes, and to get at least one book published.

Profile of Green Maiden

  • Age : 19
  • Gender : Female
  • Country : UK
  • Joined : Jun 21, 2005
  • Last Visit : 19 years ago
  • Poems : 15
  • Comments : 7
  • Quotes : 3
  • Posts : 0
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By Green Maiden

  • Soft feathers falling in the night,
    I brush away dissembling snow...

  • Light on these golden curls, goodbye-
    You will be drawn to them no more...

  • See the birds
    Dancing in the rain...

  • Heat, silence.
    The thorny branches of the acacias...

  • The reason I smile
    The reason I cry...

Latest Quotes By Green Maiden

  • Of all the things I've lost, I miss my marbles the most...

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • To walk through a wardrobe, to pick up a ring: truly, to read is a wonderful thing.

    19 years ago
    0 0
  • I close my eyes and there he is-
    Running rings around me

    19 years ago
    0 0

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