Poems by Timothy S

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  • Today felt better than an ordinary day
    The sun rose silently to let me get that extra...

  • I roam these streets who someday will forget my...
    Treading through it 'til each shoe was worn thin...

  • I rise each morning, wondering who's bed I'm...
    Eyes half closed, reflecting on the past night's...

  • I am the blood that runs through the veins of...
    With the will of a warrior and a thirst so...

  • Free-flowing thoughts come more not, than often.
    Opposite of the norm, it's the bleak that I'm lost...

  • The neverending search
    For emotional comfort...

  • If words could only express true feelings
    Worlds infected, bled what every heart\'s needing...

  • What is a Romeo without a Juliet
    A hollow soul filled with regret...

  • Solitaire confinement is where I am condemned
    Put myself in, aware of my punishment...

  • Friendless to friendship
    Meaning im without life's kinship...

  • Pryed away at my crippled fingers
    Moving forward but my heart drips its remains...

  • Am I used or am I needed
    Pleaded that day to stay true...