Poems by Melissa

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  • How foolish,
    having dismembered...

  • Tonight, the tone of my heart is deafening;
    like an ocean at war with Mother Nature...

  • He veers towards them
    with a certain slapstickish fury...

  • The stars are all gone
    and their dust has settled...

  • On this fourth I love you,
    and my heart reacts like a sparkler...

  • Quite often
    we spoke in...

  • It's raining here,
    I wonder if it's drizzling...

  • I miss those nights
    when the velvet sky...

  • There are days I feel like an ant
    scurrying about the sidewalk...

  • A cheek full of hot tamales are like
    licking flames, they burn deliciously...

  • I suppose it was the way that golden star
    reflected her light...

  • I miss him-
    and not just those hands...