Poems by Christine

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  • If only you knew how you make me feel
    So strong and so weak at the same time...

  • You are gone, fallen away like scattered ashes in...
    You are gone, taking away the light, leaving only...

  • He is the song on my lips
    The feeling I just can't resist...

  • Love's treacherous lies deceived me, drawing me...
    I fall into a well of the darkest sorrow, drowning...

  • I am falling. Falling under a dying sun
    that shows no signs of rising...

  • I bleed inside this broken dream,
    falling through the darkest shadows that swallow...

  • I dream of flying with the dragons,
    soaring through the stars on their backs...

  • I hate you!
    For the pain you cause inside my heart...

  • My heart receives all the pain, so great nothing...
    No thorns that scratch me as I walk could equal...

  • To you, when she left, she took the light away.
    She left you in darkness and you felt your soul...

  • Love is but a rose.
    It may be a beautiful thing...

  • Love waits.
    Coming forth with a winter storm...