Poems by Nonna

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  • and then,
    there are those brief moments between moments...

  • He keep asking me if i loved him or not
    He used to say do you really love me alot...

  • I'm sorry but it's true
    no more me and you...

  • No,I'm not sad
    what makes you say so...

  • This is gonna surprise you
    something you never expected...

  • One day i will be back
    in your arms i will rest...

  • One last tear falls from my eye
    it's still repeating the same question...why...

  • It's not a poem,more like a letter or a...
    There are some people in life,people we don't even...

  • One last true story about true love
    about an angel had been sent from above...

  • Remember me when she ask about your past
    Tell her what we had, never meant to last...

  • For all the lies you filled my head
    for all the sleepless nights in bed...

  • The one who used to be always near
    who you always used to share with her your tears...