Quotes by Yours Truly xO

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  • Pour the liquor, I'll take the shots.
    I'll drink until I've had too much
    There's a hole in my chest where my
    Heart used to be.
    This is me forgetting you,
    Like you've forgotten me.

    12 years ago
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  • Back to the drawing board,
    And back to distractions.
    These guys don't mean anything to me
    There just something to get my mind off you

    12 years ago
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  • Is this what you wanted?
    cause this is what you got.
    A lonely soul,
    & broken heart
    all because
    "life is short"

    12 years ago
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  • Spilled my heart out to you,
    danced on table tops with you.
    you're unreliable and untrue.
    I would of did anything in the world for you.
    but you let all of me fall through.

    12 years ago
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  • They ask me if i'm lonely and when I reply with yes my day starts with me rolling over staring at the other side of the bed, and ends the same. do you know the kind of heartache that brings?

    12 years ago
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  • Scared of getting hurt isn't overpowering anything. this time it's different. theres some type of sincerity in his voice. I can tell he's not the same. i can give him my heart, without fear of him tearing it apart.

    12 years ago
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  • Your eyes & cheeks are bloodshot red.
    your smile is crooked like the kind when you're upset but you're trying to hide it. you're body is shaking and it won't stop.
    I asked you what happened & all you said was "he's gone."

    12 years ago
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  • She's got issues making her go mad. she wants to know why you put up with her. sometimes she treats you bad. its not your responisbility to repair her heart, that you didn't break. but doing it shows what kind of a man you are. she wont let you slip away

    12 years ago
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  • This is what i live for. this is what i die for. this is what i stayed up every single night for. this is what ive waited my whole life for. -big sean

    12 years ago
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  • Come save me from myself
    be my escape
    wrap me up in your arms
    let me be your destiny
    i'm no good for you as you know
    fxcked up from head to toe
    let me be the evil that comsumes you.
    let me kill you please

    12 years ago
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