Quotes by Yours Truly xO

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  • I've finally learned my lesson.
    From the teacher of heartache
    Got broken one too many times,
    And now my heart won't let me cry
    crash and burned in all those fancy lies
    heartbroken and bitter is today's objective.
    pass or fail is the new lesson

    11 years ago
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  • Am I ready for this?
    I wanna leave before I get hurt.
    I wanna stay but I'm just not sure
    that I can.
    I don't think I deserve to be with him

    11 years ago
    1 0
  • My angers crippling and my heart beats sore.
    Truth and lies intertwined, in my eyes
    maybe I don't deserve your love
    my past is still debilitating
    I make it so hard to be loved
    I wouldn't blame you for leaving

    11 years ago
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  • When you think somethings perfect
    it probably truly is too good to be true.
    the eyes can be deciving
    forcing my heart to believe something
    that just isn't true

    11 years ago
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  • Mixed emotins fill my body
    the truth is I deserve to be happy
    I know they say relationships take time
    I know nobody's perfect but I can't be the only one trying

    11 years ago
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  • I took a chance on a bruised and broken heart
    It can't afford to get broken in two again

    11 years ago
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  • It's the beginning of autumn
    when the leaves will begin to fall
    you say you're a pro when it comes to love
    but can you catch this falling heart in time?
    real tears fall from real eyes
    real men dry those heartaches
    and put an end to lies

    11 years ago
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  • I dnt want to put all I got into love
    it will be taken away from me
    Ill cry
    til my eyes grow far too weak
    and my heart speaks sorrows to me
    the feeling of sadness will no longer remain
    thats what always happens with love
    it swells & decays

    11 years ago
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  • Steady breaths,
    breathe in, breathe out
    escape the world
    these battlegrounds
    you don't need anything but me
    let your body collide with mine
    sending shivers up and down my spine
    these moments I know
    everything will be fine.

    11 years ago
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  • He thought the grass was greener on the other side,
    it wasn't til he crossed the fence
    he realized how deceiving things can be
    the grass wasn't green, it was infested with weeds
    guess thats why they say all that glitters isn't gold.

    11 years ago
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