Poems by Faith

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  • I poured myself into the cup your drinking from
    beliving is reciving thats why your so damn...

  • No one ever sees the fall beyond the rise
    the desperation in the cries...

  • Paint me beautiful
    paint me Grey...

  • The the seconds feel like hours as i lay lazily...
    we laugh and giggle about everything and limit our...

  • Started as a look that slightley glazed your skin
    what is this that i feel, surley nothing that i...

  • I hate what you do
    I hate how you make me feel...

  • Your brilliance and balance reflect on this...
    those eyes that peirce to deep become my spotlight...

  • I feel like im missing something.. my heart is...
    at night i think about you wondering where you are...

  • Its funny how im standing her so far away from you
    I tried so hard to be te best and mirror what you...

  • Walking alone the screeching trees scream
    shadows mock my every move, as the wind recklessly...

  • My Sunshine
    Your face isnt just your own, crowded with the...

  • Anger is a poison that is dooming me to blow
    if you think you can stop me, step back your about...