Poems by Mack Bopape

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  • I love you even if I don't know your name
    It has been more than six months or more but still...

  • How can you deny your own blood?
    How can you hurt someone like that...

  • Why do you have to straggle like this?
    Why is there no one by your side...

  • If I was able to bring back the dead
    You would be the first one to comeback...

  • Why don't we start making some changes
    Change the old way of living...

  • You say you love someone but yet you cheat on them
    Do you know how painful it is to see or realise...

  • You mercilessly take people's lives
    And you don't care what kind of files...

  • I never thought loving you will hurt
    I thought from you I have found true love...

  • I've been going to wrong places looking for love
    I've been going to wrong people asking for love...

  • If I knew things were gonna be like this
    I would have told my Mama...

  • We grew up together,
    Went to school together...

  • They can talk and talk
    But you cannot hear the steps of their walk...