Poems by Beautiful Forever

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  • Taking this in every step and stride,
    Ignoring every time you have lied...

  • Please let this taste linger on my lips,
    Don't ever let go of my fragile fingertips...

  • Brush the sweetest scent into my senses,
    Break the indestructible guard in my defenses...

  • How many lies can I swallow,
    While you watch me fall apart...

  • How long would it take to make a circle?
    Its plain, simple, and perfect in its shape...

  • This sweet demise has broken my shallow disguise,
    Slowly tearing this impenetrable mask I'm wearing...

  • Moonlit faeries envision my deepest dream,
    In a language I don't understand they call...

  • I love how we fell so fast,
    Knowing it was going to last...

  • Sunlight and birds chirp happily on this day,
    I'm keeping my feelings tucked safely away...

  • I toss a smile as empty as can be,
    Kissing the stranger staring at me...

  • Shaking - a sense of fear never felt,
    How did this happen? What went wrong...

  • A gentle breeze sways my broken soul,
    Free, warm, entrancing with ease...