Poems by Orchid Man

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  • Sometimes the greatest love you will ever know -
    - is for that one love forever remaining outside...

  • I woke up this morning and as soon as I opened my...
    - it was so cold I retracted my head and slid back...

  • The cold snows of winter have arrived -
    - and with their cheeky grins are dropping white...

  • Should you ask me at anytime what your love means...
    - I could only answer truthfully saying; your love...

  • What a wonderful evening it is - you are home...
    Even this house has ceased its creaking and the...

  • If I could wish you all the happiness in the world...
    If I could ensure you woke up each day feeling fit...

  • I looked out the window today and shook my head...
    The winter wind with its nephew rain were...

  • Sweetheart, I have a confession to make to you -
    - Orchid Lady, you are my greatest asset; you are...

  • It's amazing how suddenly, after seemingly weeks...
    For many days during my walks I had passed a...

  • Today when we were talking I felt at peace and so...
    Now you have left for awhile and everything has...

  • How can anyone say they have experienced life -
    - if they have never experienced love...

  • Today I walked to the forest via the path along...
    ....the calmness of the water looked so cold and...