Poems by Michael D Nalley

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  • I seem to never tire of writing of affection
    If I could carry rhyme and reason to perfection...

  • I dreamed I saw Yusuf Islam
    singing about boots and sand...

  • On the first day of the trip
    I was tempted to equip...

  • Ann lost her head over that King
    how could she do such a thing...

  • Hello my name is mike
    first time I rode a bike...

  • Kentucky bluegrass
    knobs fading in the distance...

  • Michael D Nalley is my real name
    poetrymd is a Nom de plume...

  • I don't spend a lot on sports
    but I have enjoyed a race...

  • I know I have neglected you
    obsessed with desire for some fame...

  • She's looking like the Mona Lisa
    hanging quietly in a Louvre...

  • There was a folk singer named Dylan
    who once made a album free wheelin...

  • What is worse
    they caused war...