Quotes by GorqeousDisaster

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  • Help me find the missing be,
    she must be scared, i would be.
    So out of touch, so scared and alone,
    help me find her bring her home<3

    13 years ago
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  • Don't believe the things you tell yourself so late night and
    You are your own worst enemy
    You'll never win the fight<3

    13 years ago
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  • And when you're out there without care
    Yeah, I was out of touch
    But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
    I just knew too much

    ( the story of my damn life.)

    13 years ago
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  • I want to find happiness, but its worth its weight in gold.
    I dont have much but pocket change, but these feelings are
    getting old....

    13 years ago
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  • Whats gone may be gone,
    things may still be changing,
    but i will never forget anything,
    nor would i ever want too.
    No matter how bad things seem
    to have gotten, it was worth every

    13 years ago
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  • Its times like this, when i smile and cry.
    I cry because all i have left is memories, and i can do nothing but sit here and watch it all go wrong. But i smile, because you helped me make those memories<3

    13 years ago
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  • How come you did what you did, and be so very wrong, and know im right. But still make me feel bad.

    13 years ago
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  • And when the time comes, and you will look back, ill hope you see, i would have been your E V E R Y T H I N G Like you were T O
    M E.

    13 years ago
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  • And i smiled, knowing, that i would never
    make it, i never had a chance, but i fought with all i could.

    13 years ago
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  • Not a Writer, Nor Poet can truly explain love, its somethinq unexplainable. You can only experience it To beqain to understand.

    13 years ago
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