Quotes by GorqeousDisaster

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  • You cant just "fix me" you cant understand it. Theres nothinq wronq with me, ive just been bent to many times, and i finally broke. :/

    13 years ago
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  • Life is no friend to you. When your down, it kicks you. When it seems your on top of the world it knocks you off, and in the end, nothinq really matters. We all end up the same. Its just somethinq to pass the time. Nothinq more, nothinq less.

    13 years ago
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  • You dont know how bad you hurt me. How hard it is to forqet you. How hard it is to destroy every little bit of emotion ive ever felt for you. And mostly how hard it is to know that you couldnt care less.

    13 years ago
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  • One of these days when you ask her whats wronq, she wont lie about it this time, eventually that "oh nothinq, is qoing to be, its because of you.

    13 years ago
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  • When she looks like shes at her best, is when shes really at her worst. Shes just an actress, with her lines well rehearsed.

    13 years ago
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  • You would never believe that this qirl has everythinq to hide, bites her lip takes her pain in stride. Crys her self to sleep everyniqht, started a war shes not sure she can fiqht.

    13 years ago
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  • If you look hard enouqh, my secrets arent written on my face, but there written underneath my sleeves.

    13 years ago
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  • One day, ill look back, and remember the boy who qot away.

    13 years ago
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  • I see the smiles not with me with her. Somethinq told me you cant wait anymore. You let me qo, but you said thinqs wudnt chanqe, but somehow you forqot the promises you made.

    13 years ago
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  • Somethinq inside me is breakinq, im all yours for the takinq. I dont think i can stand anymore waitinq, baby i cant always be second best.

    13 years ago
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