Poems by Mark

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  • From one inked outpour
    to unvarnished whiteness...

  • Dormant buds
    await fluxing snow...

  • Those whimper wails - those windy moans
    Nostalgic beasts it trails of sombre undertones...

  • Wherein the haven, dwells my stillborn child?
    The crib could not illumine gilt enough...

  • Swayin', collidin' cornstalks
    begins an orchestral opera...

  • Depression is; a desert well of sand
    no water drops are left to tear the pain...

  • I'm in between the festive year of new
    and tied by thought within the others past...

  • If I had breath to give but one last word
    Could love weight all my brimful heart's outpour...

  • Concealed yet united,
    with an assumed trust...

  • O' sandy shells, o' sandy shells, I know;
    Why pearly armors 'neath the sand conceal...

  • Go find for me in all of botany;
    The rarest rose amidst the sweetest mire...

  • As I do list the highlights left of me
    In twilight of my life through memoirs' reel...