Poems by Victor

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  • I'm so scared right now
    There's somebody in my house...

  • It hurts (1) 3

    I want to help people
    I don't want people to be hurt...

  • I feel like I'm going crazy
    I keep seeing these weird entities...

  • There's so much of the sea that we haven't...
    So much, that contains so many different lifeforms...

  • An old building
    Screams of pain...

  • Why can't I feel anything?
    I'm in front of a corpse...

  • Music 1

    I wish people could stop asking me about my music
    When I just want to be left alone...

  • I wish I could describe how this feels
    How it feels to just relax...

  • Where am I?
    I found this place while walking in the forest...

  • War 1

    Why were we chosen for this?
    Why would anyone make us do this...

  • Sleep 1

    I feel it around my body
    It's squeezing the air out of me...

  • I can't go anywhere
    I can't go outside...