Poems by Shædow Poet

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  • Happiness left me, like the daughter of the cancer...
    Or the buzzing bee who lost its sting...

  • Webs of cotton- pink, from his hand
    Touching the braids of her hair...

  • And there sat, my heart
    Clay painted with purple patterns...

  • Must one like me be so terrifying?
    So electric against winds stronger than...

  • Ebony streaks, straight, brilliant hair
    Concealed ropes wave and braid her soul...

  • (And he said)
    How can one ponder self-insanity...

  • Blemish free, they wonder why?
    Why when they scream...

  • I colour it black, oxymoronic tones;
    Gothic, simplistic, ‘chic...

  • Floating towards the igniting melodies;
    I stand, perspiring, in a pit of nobodies...

  • If a man is untoward to a female;
    It sexism still alive...

  • Crimson liquid spilling down ones lips,
    Blackened gaze staring motionlessly...

  • Ignorance of a futile substance
    Inhaling a sight that’s been tainted by...