Poems by MirMir

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  • This poem is a little long but it's a true story...

  • I can't believe you'd do this to me,
    I'm seeing things I'd never want to see...

  • Remember all the good times that we had?
    Now when I think of them they only make me sad...

  • I've had my ups and I've had my downs,
    but with you tranquility I've always found...

  • Why did I think,
    you would ever be my guy...

  • I wish we never parted,
    now that we have I lay here broken hearted...

  • I can't believe what you've put me through,
    oh my God if you only knew...

  • If you're not jealous then tell me why,
    you made a big deal about that guy...

  • Nights and days keep passing by,
    as they do I no longer cry...

  • There's so many things I love about you,
    but just as many that I hate too...

  • I can't believe you're back with her,
    but is that what you truly prefer...

  • Every time you're around me I smile,
    and you made last summer worth my while...