Favorite Poems of CaptainTyingKnots

  • The Reverser (7)

    by Some guy done with college

    Way this write I When
    understand can't You...

  • Black Bug (5)

    by Emily

    Say this 5 times fast.
    The Black Bug Bled Black Blood...

  • Intense in tense isn't a sentence
    Tensed in tense is past tense...

  • I need you (22) 2

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    I need you like
    grass needs water...

  • Feast (3)

    by TheVampire

    Feast my veins
    until I can't feel...

  • Forgot How To Smile (3)

    by FindingHarmonyInYurCries

    My reflection is staring back,
    With nothing but regret...

  • A flower.. (2)

    by Dreamofolwin

    You tried to crush me like a flower..
    With all your strength, and all your power...