
About RSahanoor

british rulez baby!!

I read something in loneliness other day, ah loneliness, the solitary emotion that makes one be short in support. But why do I feel lonely, even when I am in a crowd? Almost every person sense abandoned at particular time—loneliness is an indication that some desires are not being congregated yet not a fault but rather a thing that can be altered. Then, I ask myself, am I in hunt of a person or of a thing to makes me whole, but then I am not lonely when it comes to understanding that there exist somebody out there that is capable of pleasing my every need, the person that can offer affection, present confidence, give joy, and afford motivation. Someone to support me emotionally, but then again you might be thinking, "how could I be expected to continue a lifetime knowing that there is great more out there? After all, I only live once, mending is an opportunity and it would be a shame to have regrets in the end?" Then your emptiness is sincere and it is true for you to take actions to pursue it. Yet for me, the changes seem to complicate my previous faults. These changes had turned into commotion that guzzled my understanding toward thoughts, beliefs, feelings, judgments, time, and energies. Now then I realize, it is right for me to follow a dissimilar path for my existence for it is mistaken to remain on the failed path that directed me to the position I presently rest, forgetting that mind and body are integrated. I encounter arousing emotional difficulties the same way I practice physical weakness, yet mainly these expressive emotional matters are not lectured without help. Maybe then our refined world of today provides us with the most common trouble of soul—the lonesomeness. I feel alone while in middle of activities even when amusement and busyness besiege me though sliced by the shadows of my aloneness. I sometime ask for brief pause of privacy to revive my fatigued character and revamp drained spirit to be protracted by era of remoteness that may bring me my numb solitude spirit to ecstasy of the endangered soul. Then I ask my self…truly what are the assembled steps one takes to get out of the wilderness of lonesome cravings? Is my loneliness a pathway to love, a well evident trail that will illumine the course for a young child willing to turn to love in their pain—the craving of physical communication in the world that may fill my lonely empty heart? Other's physical contact may satisfy my lonesomeness for a brief moment but my craving still remains, and yet I feel so alone and desperate—no longer see myself from the perspective of the wits and motivations. Such sentiments deform my sense of worth and put it into a forged burden of wanting to reach out to others. Unwarranted ring of solitude creates the bodily troubles that worsen to dejection so great that suicide of self worth becomes an opportunity to leave pain that may become an understanding of new life the isolation does not have to be a eternal form for the heart for love can use loneliness to create new confidence that will expand me with the appreciativeness that loneliness departs with loitering artic frost yet clobbers with an abrupt passion of a spring tornado.

Profile of RSahanoor

  • Age : 99
  • Gender : Male
  • Country : USA, New York
  • Joined : Oct 26, 2004
  • Last Visit : 19 years ago
  • Poems : 6
  • Comments : 1
  • Quotes : 0
  • Posts : 2
  • Awards :

Latest Poems By RSahanoor

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    She was my faith Resting like bride of nightfall...

  • Ay, ay she is to return.
    A true work of art...

  • My lady has two pink roses
    Curved with rhythm upon her face...

  • Hello Stranger.
    I come to speak of love...

  • Dream (1)

    You are my dream girl
    I love you so much that I can't tell...