Poems by ♥Munchkin♥

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  • You're my star to light my night,
    you guide my way through pain and sadness...

  • Once upon a time,
    In a far away land...

  • Its been almost a year,
    Drifting in and out...

  • My phone beeps and I slowly reach to see,
    Who it is contacting me...

  • Standing in an empty room,
    Nothing but a dark cloud looms...

  • The distance between us has grown,
    Yet now we're closer than ever before...

  • Anger fills my soul as I read your insensitive...
    The person you love needs you and all you do is...

  • Driving in the car,
    I'm not nervous at all, I'm fine...

  • It's been a while,
    Since I've let my feelings show...

  • Tears in my eyes,
    The tears you made me cry...

  • Just a single word,
    And I'm biting your head off...

  • Tomorrow is so close,
    Yet still it never arrives...