Poems by Todd

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  • The cold winter wind stings my cheeks
    The snow falls like dust in a room...

  • Oh the trees that grow
    In the summer sun's glow...

  • Looking at an image
    Of you in the mirror...

  • Reminiscing with Grandpa
    Because there is nothing to do...

  • When the mournin' sun
    Streaks across my room...

  • Pick up all the balls of string
    Pick up all the mouses...

  • I need you here
    I need you now...

  • God grant me the strength
    To overcome weakness and perform...

  • You'r like a rose
    You make people cry...

  • Cry

    I don't know why I cry when I'm sad
    It's not my favorite thing to do...

  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    It hurts SO MUCH...

  • Dreams are what we're made of...
    When we're floating in the clouds...