Ideas For Rhyming..

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    Guys..Why is it that rhyme has become a sickness here?? I can see no progress in the rhyming poems I read..Of course I'm not generalizing, but I meant that a lot of rhyming poems here always have this rhyme:
    Right, Light, Fight, Tight
    True, You, Through, Do
    Love and Above
    Scream and dream
    Life, Strife and Wife
    Heart, Apart, Start..
    And the list goes on. you know the cliche rhyming words.

    Thing I've been wondering about for a while is..why don't you people try to use the half rhyme in your poems? Like for example:
    Life and Strike
    Lark and Heart
    Night and High
    I swear these would make a beautiful inner music too, won't they??

    Please come and post ideas for rhyming and solutions for letting cliche rhyme go !

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "Like for example:
    Life and Strike
    Lark and Heart
    Night and High"

    ^ I love the idea & enjoy "half-rhyming" (as you call it) myself (as well as enjoy other styles of poetry)!

    But, what is so wrong with "cliche" rhyming and why does it need to be let go (I know you said you are not generalizing but I just don't see the problem)?

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    Thing is..what's the point of writing a poem without inventing something new in it?? if you-for example-repeated the same rhyme every time..wouldn't you feel that your poems have become "old".
    Poetry is about inventing, not copying ideas !
    And try the half rhyme then tell me how did it feel?? I assure you it'll feel good writing something new =)

  • Elizabeth
    15 years ago

    "And try the half rhyme then tell me how did it feel?? I assure you it'll feel good writing something new =)"

    ^ As previously stated, I already do.

    15 years ago

    Oh gosh i know what you mean! that cliche rhyming sucks! it makes a poem so predictable sometimes! and i hate when you can tell when people are trying too hard to rhyme!

    i dont know how much i can talk because i might be guilty of it but i know im progressing! for some reason, i always rhyme. im trying to break out of it but its harder than u think for me!

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    Lol Soso, Thank you hunnie, I really appreciate your words, even though I think I will let go of rhymed poetry for a while. And I will make sure to check the poet's poems :)

    SHYSTY23KO, I'm glad you're trying to make a progress, and I love the words that you said, spoke so much to me, about the predictable rhyme and so.
    I will check some of your poems and tell you what I think =)

  • Nee
    15 years ago

    Good thinking !

  • Robert Gardiner
    15 years ago

    Rhyming is a skilled that needs to be mastered. And to do so, one must start first with there eyes and ears, through reading and sound. You must red more poetry with good rhyme and rhyming patterns. I woulds suggest starting with the establish greats, the poets heralded for their ability to write poetry. Also, key in on listening to music. You'll find many great lyricist throughout music history. Just soak it all in, and write, write, write, just to get better, in the craft, before long, you'll find yourself rhyming better!!!

  • Rocky
    14 years ago

    Personaly i dont really like most poems with a set rhyme scheme. most especially a simple one. i tend to find most of them boring and without any real meaning. personally i try and fit rhyming into what im trying to say not the other way around. i always use a free rhyme scheme in my poems and also half rhymes though untill today i didnt know that was what you called words that almost rhyme. i tend to use rhyming like a band uses a drumbeat in a song. it is there to keep a certain tempo but it is not the most important part and it can be changed to suite the needs of a certain part of the song

  • Soulful Ensemble
    14 years ago

    No rules matter to me. The only way to write is to feel what you want to say inside you and channel it into words.

  • Baby Rainbow
    14 years ago

    I have the habit of writing cliché :( when I write a poem I usually write what comes out in a few seconds and the poem is finsihed quickly.

    I think it depends why we write... as a lot of people want to write to experience the skill and learn more ... some people just write poems as a way of expressing their feelings and coping with them, therefor they don't pay attention to how their poem is put together :)

    good topic to bring up :) xxx