Girls what do you look for in a man???

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    I found the guy that I had always dreamed of and it was someone who love's me for me, is always caring, smiles, laughs, someone I can be myself around, and much more. So what do you look for in a guy???

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Yeah I agree with you both...I'm really happy and thankful that I found the perfect guy for me.

  • chind
    13 years ago

    Just someone who i can have a good time with really

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Someone who can love you for you...

  • Mask of Pain
    13 years ago

    Well I look for a sweet guy, who will make me feel pretty, loved, and special. And also looks do help.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    Someone who's strong when it matters most and who's weak in all the right places!

  • Rocky
    13 years ago

    Lol. from what i have noticed with people i know. is the guys who seem to get all the girls are arrogant idiots only interested in one thing

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Yeah that is very true...

  • kristen
    13 years ago

    I look for someone I am equally yoked with first of all. someone I feel like I can be my complete self around without judgment. Someone who can sharpen me and inspire me and bring out the best in me and I in him. someone attractive and really charming. romantic. gentle. and deep and expressive and open.

  • kristen
    13 years ago

    Oh yeah and all these guys I see all those good qualities in..they go for the girls that throw their selves at them because they don't have to work hard to get the girl or risk being rejected by actually pursuing the girl. I also look for the guy that will pursue me because then I know he was always interested and it was never a pushed or forced into kind of relationship. it was completely out of free will and a attraction to each other.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    I agree...

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    "I also look for the guy that will pursue me because then I know he was always interested and it was never a pushed or forced into kind of relationship. it was completely out of free will and a attraction to each other."

    ^ This has got to be one of my favorite responses, because that's what I look (or did look) for in a guy as well. In fact, that's how things played out for my partner and I.


    " the guys who seem to get all the girls are arrogant idiots only interested in one thing."

    ^ I agree, but remember that it's not just a one-way street (relationship). Both the guy and the girl essentially feed off one another. These guys are looking for someone who will idolize them as much as they idolize themselves to reinforce their own self-importance. Likewise, from what I have observed there are two types of girls who go for guys like that: 1) They have inner needs that aren't being met; they're emotionally starved, so they look to those types of guys to fill that need. For example, lets say a need for confidence. They may believe that somehow this guys over-confidence will reflect on them. Or, 2) They have the same type of attitude (of arrogance) and thinks they can change him or believes he will change for them. They say that likes attract, however I don't how well that would go for two people who are arrogant. Wouldn't they be fighting each other tooth and nail? I think there'd be a big power struggle issue there, haha.

    Personally, I don't think I'd be interested in someone who's arrogant because I find that obnoxious and I especially wouldn't be interested in someone who was only looking for one thing. I would expect anyone would, but sadly, one of my best friends is in one of these "relationships", and it breaks my heart. Her boyfriend gets drunk and high daily, cheats on her and says demeaning things about her to other people (and of course uses the alcohol and drugs as an excuse to cheat). He told another girl once that, sexually, doing it with her was like doing it with old, mashed potatoes. Even though she's a smart girl and even after I gave her my honest advise, she stayed. Why? Because she has inner needs that haven't been met. Her family is falling apart since she was a kid. She has no confidence in herself, she is looking for love and is desperate for acceptance. And he knows that. They split up once for several day. She told him she needed to think about their relationship and he proudly claimed over Facebook that "she will be back". She believes she can change him or that he will change for her, but the thing is he's had over 2 years to do that. Like I said, it breaks my heart to see my best friend go through this. Somehow, I feel responsible; I feel like I wasn't enough (in reference to what I said earlier about her looking for love and acceptance) and I wasn't there for her (I graduated, moved and am going to college and she's still in high school, 4hrs driving distance apart). I've done about all I can. I told her exactly what I thought about him, about the things he'd said and done, about why I thought she was wanting to stay and what she should do. I even tried to share some of my own personal, relatable struggles and what I thought I would do in her situation. She listened attentively and agreed to everything I had to say, but in the end I knew it was her decision to make. The only thing I can do now is continue to be there for her and hope she comes to her senses.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Yeah I understand...I have the guy of my dreams and more also he feels the same way about me like we fell in love first.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    UPDATE: My best friend broke up with her mentally abusive, cheating boyfriend. I couldn't be happier for her knowing she stood up for herself and I'm sure she's going to be a lot happier too. And of course, her now ex couldn't care less. He says now she won't be "weighing him down". Typical arrogance.

  • LaLaROX
    13 years ago

    Well i just found the man that i truely believe was designed for me too. It's so strange if I was to describe the kind of man I wanted it would create him. He's smart, different, caring and loving. He never changes how he feels or what he says. He's his own person and I love that so much about him. He's so aggressive and controlling omg I love it! I love his mind, his voice, how he appears and I love him as a whole. I will never let him go...

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    "He's so aggressive and controlling..."

    ^ I hope that this was just a bad word choice, because that doesn't sound right at all...

  • LaLaROX
    13 years ago

    Lol yes aggessive. Not physical abuse aggression as in pleasure n controlling not as in montoring my phone calls, but as in he wants it this way and that way, but im like I was already planing to do it this way and that way. u get what im sayin were just always on the same page word by word.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    That is really good that she broke up with him...It takes a long time to and is really hard but after wards you slowly realize that it was the best choice you have ever made...

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    ^^ That's good to hear, so long as it isn't abuse. That's why I thought I would ask.

  • Elizabeth
    13 years ago

    What do I look for in a man? I could list off the usual: Honesty, loyalty, spontaneity, a sense of humor, etc. Those are all a definite yes, but I want to look at a few more things more intricately.

    What I look for in a man is someone who...

    - Treats other people the way he'd like to be treated or the way he'd treat me: Respectfully and caringly.
    - Supports me in everything that I do, all my dreams & all my plans and make them part of his own too.
    - Is intelligent, ~not~ as in a genius or that he got the top marks in class but more as in his opinions, ideas, morals, etc. The same as mine yet completely his own as well.
    - Is an individual. He doesn't care about what other people think of him, is not influenced by others and is his own person.
    - Someone naturally in a good mood, good-natured, always has a true smile on his face and who's laughter is downright contagious & imitatable!
    - Genuinely likes to listen, to strike up a conversation and get to know someone on a personal level.
    - Isn't afraid to show a little PDA; be affectionate or romantic!
    - Gets along with my family and, in time, considers them to be not just my family but ~his~ family as well.
    - Someone who has the same interests as me or at least tries to take an interest and get involved in the things I'm in as well as who tries to get me interested and involved in his interests too.

  • Mask of Pain
    13 years ago

    I look for someone who makes me feel safe, like i'm the prettest girl in the world, who says he'll be there for me. I like a guy who is sweet, loving, protective, but not overly protective, and who opens up to me.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    I could list a million things...just can't be to bad because your not going to find a guy that is Perfect because no one is perfect.

  • iRobbiee
    13 years ago

    Someone to talk to, someone to trust, someone that's gonna be there..someone faithful..the one that's going to make yu mad then make you happy , someone that's honest, someone that's perfect in your eyes

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    I look for a sexy sexy man with a beard, a cat, and a physics degree.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    I'm going to have to second what Sibs looks for. Sounds about right :P

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    Jane, I'll have to introduce you to my fella. : D

    Or...maybe I shouldn't... *suspicious glare*. He does have other friends that fit the description, as long as you're cool with supreme nerdiness.

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    Hahaha, thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods. Your boyfriend = your goods.
    I'd never even *think* to touch that :P

    But yeah, hook me up with these supreme nerds!

  • sibyllene
    13 years ago

    You would be the hottest thing to ever crash a LAN party.

  • Rachel
    13 years ago

    A friend. if we cant be friends how can we be lovers?

  • AngelicDecadence
    13 years ago

    What I look for? Well..

    -Someone who persues me, I think that's how it should be. A guy who cares enough to put forth the effort to get me to notice him. Someone who doesn't think girls should just fall at his feet and worship him because he's him.
    -Someone whose respectful of me and listens to me when I speak.
    -Someone who, even if they don't understand something that I enjoy, tries to learn about it and find out why it's important to me. I'd do the same. I think it's important to try and understand and learn about your partners interests, their likes and dislikes.
    -Someone who shows me they care, I don't want to have a relationship where I have to wonder, or ask.
    -Someone who tries and spend time with me, and not to make out, or do other things, but to just simply SPEND TIME TOGETHER. One of my best dates was after months of dating, we only kissed once, it was a peck, and I had the time of my life. I got to know so much about him, when before I was so excited about being alone with him so we could make-out. That's just not a thought that should be your focus.
    -I want someone who knows how to have a good time. I don't mean with drinking or drugs or partying, I just mean someone who isn't afraid to be themselves, to not worry about whose staring and just have fun in their own unique way.
    -Someone who makes me a better person.
    -I want a guy whose quick-witted, and funny. But not int the childish way, or where they have to be the center of attention, but just someone who will occasionally whisper a comment in my ear about something to make me laugh.
    -Someone who holds me when I need to be held, and doesn't always need to ask me what's wrong to know what I need.
    I doubt I got even close to all of it, but yeah. lol.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    Some one hot is a plus and yeah someone who allows you to follow your dreams...

    Their is this couple in my school that the guys I swear has her on a leash. She can't hang out with her friends or sit with them at lunch without him getting mad and she calls him respectful.

  • Fluffy
    13 years ago

    A man.

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Looks for the knowledge of how to really love!!..Looks for tenderness and respect.

  • Dark Secrets
    13 years ago

    If I would list everything, the list would never end. But in brief I would like a guy who understands that we are separate human beings with different lives, and someone who accepts the fact that our "seperate lives" don't end when we are together, they fuse together so that we share each others dreams and goals and help and support one another to reach them... Someone who just accepts me for who I am.

  • HisBlueEyedAngel
    13 years ago

    I agree with dark secrets

  • silvershoes
    13 years ago

    -Around my same smarts
    -I am physically attracted to

    That's about as honest as it gets, friends.

  • quiet lullaby
    13 years ago

    I don't care what a guy looks like, as long as his teeth are white, and straight, and he smiles alot.
    To me its a sign of firstly: good personal hygine, V.important, 2: good family back ground, (a mother who cares enough to brush a childs teeth, not everyone does!) 3: good diet, not too much sugary drinks, 4:pride.

    There is something just completely charming about a strong, happy smile.

  • A Phoenyx in Flight
    13 years ago

    What I look for in a man is the fact that he respects me and treats me like an equal.

    I went out with a guy that treated me like me dumb blonde that didnt know anything and I really hated it

    but now the guy that I'm dating treats me with respect and doesnt consider himself superior to me or anything and I feel so safe a secure with him!!!

  • Helen
    13 years ago

    Some one who makes me laugh, who has a caring nature, some one who isnt afraid to take risks, but knows when to stop. Some one who gives good hugs.

    And i do look at looks as well i like it if they have nice eyes and a nice smile. Yes admitidly i do like guys who you could call handsome but if they make me laugh and smile and they give good hugs i dont care what they look like because thats all i need.

  • Clown
    13 years ago

    Well, sounds like yall lookin for perfect, oh, and on that post about the best friend who broke up with her abusive cheating BF, good for her. Its nice to hear about someone standing up for themselves. Has a guy, there are only a few things i ever work really hard at in a relationship, Honnesty is the most important one, fallowed by being able to make her feel safe, making sure shes happy(wich counts for being there when shes sad or upset), yet giving her the space she needs to be independent, and I work hard to provied the things she cant provide for herself. everything else comes out of my natral personality, and sence of humor.