Love ? The humankind's story

  • Sunshine
    13 years ago

    Love? and life..under the mercy of destiny..these are the main terms that creates a humans story..away from money wealth and richness. Just love, how it may happen when you least expect it, with the last person you thought you'd ever fall to..Maybe someone you never knew.. some one who had a life, just like you. Waking up every morning, sleeping each night. Living life with all its sweetness and bitterness, until destiny joins you together. And you start to share these past memories, and future plans.. where love starts to grow bit by bit, and guess what? you remain the last person to know, and so does your partner.

    In which a simple coincidence, a sweet chat, a daft accident, a flight meeting, or a shared opinion brings both your fates to one another, and this coincidence turns to be one of the most important things and moments of your life.

    Despite place, color, weather, age, culture, country, and time love happens. Despite your will, despite your rules, thoughts, past, or present love occurs when its meant to. And we turn to be faithfully connected to someone who came to be the most important person in our life, someone who we became too faithful to; though days before we never knew!

    A spiritual connection develops, as you start to feel the beats of that person from miles away, start to read his mind beyond the distance..As you start to simply dive into the wide ocean of who they are, in which what they are becomes what you are.

    Just like magic! It can never be explained, but forever will surprise whom ever steps into the very first steps of it.. And just like magic love may change your life upside down..Your wholesome changes with love..for the one you love..

    However, love may break your heart, for as I said love happens even beyond distance time and age..Though it breaks the wall of distance but what if it never shortened it? Would that be a loss? A grief? Hardest moments of your life? Bitter feelings ?

    NO, love doesn't shorten distance, but actually love breaks the illusion of distance..there is no loss while loss after love..and there is no lost love. The real loss is before love!

    For love is worth the tears and the sweet burns of ur heart. True love doesn't have to be owned to be real. Love is real the moment its felt. the moment you smiled, and someone smiled back. you owned it the moment you cried for it, the moment you slept dreaming about someone, the moment you felt pain of departure which isnt departure in real means. But is an essential change, for a bigger love to invade.

    Love is hope that we must never give up on! With its disappointments, hurt, wounds, surprises..bitterness...with all its un-expected is unique with all its levels.. Never regret a love you felt, don't ever regret a move you made, a date, a meeting a crush..or a relation ship that lasted too long and had to end.

    Because each level is a lesson to a better step, a greater date, a deeper crush, a huger relationship..maybe one that lasts forever. Each moment you feel emotions; is a weapon for the true soul-mated love of your life...And only then, when time is right and the biggest love happens you shall know and understand..never before it..

    But you, me, we shall all put in mind that love has its wisdom and reason which only time will ever reveal the answers we seek about it..
    So till you get your chance to understand how love is never a loss while your wounded through the battle or not. While your out of the battle or not yet. Remember battles are won and lost, only experience is gained...and put in mind the field remains there..for you ..till your time reaches the peak for you to win ,,and to understand something you suffered a lot to get..

    " Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at al"..for each real love comes before it a love that once was big and now looks small..each battle lost is a lesson learned for the true awaiting love to become WHOLE ! :)

    By : Sunshine aka Nana 16/7/2010

  • Michael D Nalley
    13 years ago

    Though it is a sharing of your mind, heart, and soul, Sunshine, it reads like free verse to me. Thanks for sharing.