Depression talk

  • Redangelwings
    10 years ago

    I know that depression affects a lot of people. There are ways you can manage it though. It is difficult though because it can consume you. All you can do is try to fight through it. You can try to exercise more and eat healthier. I have been trying to manage mine for a while but I know I will still have bad days. But there is always light if you want to change

  • Poet on the Piano
    10 years ago

    Saw this a few days and wanted to say something but never got back on, sorry.

    I agree, I think even if it may not be "clinical depression", it can affect a variety of people. Great tips and that is a big encouragement. I think it is about having passion for something or waiting long enough to want to pursue something healthy.... because it can be all the visions you have for yourself seem worthless or hopeless, like you can never reach that, even though you may want little changes for yourself. I think it's also in maybe not having any guarantees about where we are at in our lives, not knowing if where we're at is the best or what the future means.... so we just kind of drift through.

    Reaching out to people through words and music can help!

  • Redangelwings
    10 years ago

    I am very interested to see what people say about mental health. Your words are very good on it. I've been battling with myself for a long time. People always try to pull me in all directions. People also tell me God will help. But I am beginning to go back and forth on that

  • Rebirth
    10 years ago

    Well in my opinion, i think with depression or most psychological disorders in general, u don't attack the problem first, u have to find the cause of the depression, u have to find what is making u depressed, a relationship, the weather, your weight, your income, whatever it is and u fix that problem first. easier said than done, i know, but it really is one day at a time, one step at a time. stop focusing all your energy on doing those stuffs that only makes u temporarily happy, but find out why you keep getting sad and deal with that, and u would find yourself being happy without the artificial.

  • Redangelwings
    10 years ago

    That is great advice indeed. I know people with depression need to find the root issues. I might go through some inner healing and I think that will truly help. There are a lot of issues I have to deal with so we will see in time if it works

  • Saturos
    10 years ago

    Everyone goes about fighting depression differently, I believe. I certainly don't believe in one mold fits all. I used to come to P&Q on my old profile, years ago, and type away until I felt better, until it felt as though it wasn't helping anymore. Sometimes, I have fought depression with music, and at other times, with games, or exercise. I used to like to spend time with people, and find my retreat in social circumstances, but lately, I have felt as though there isn't a person, or group on the planet that can "fix" anything of mine, or even put an emotional "band-aid" on it, so I am back to music, exercise and solitary contemplation, until I heal up and love myself again. "We carry ourselves with us, everywhere we go."

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    I like that answer. We dont really fight though because we will lose every time all we can do is manage it with healthy ways to cope

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    10 years ago

    I have depression like i litterally went to a shirnk and the confermed my mother's "tragic truth" but depression DOESN'T have to take over your life it doesn't on mine i get depressed sure but i put a song on and there ya go i'm back and bouncing higher than ever :)

  • Beautiful Soul
    10 years ago

    I wish it was that easy but depression hits everyone differently I suppose. I think sometimes we have to make our own happiness no matter what.

  • LoneWolf
    10 years ago

    My depression came in the form of overthinking, I was lost from reality all to often and still am frequently. I've always had this fear of sociality like people would rather not have me there or they get tired of me whenever I talk about my love life or problems. So I end up thinking about them rather than speaking them so now I'm stuck in my head with almost no way out. But in my mind I am free to run as I wish. My imagination is my weapon and I will use it to strike. Yet I still feel claustrophobic in here because I can't seem to find a way out

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    My depression has been coming back strong. Suicidal feelings and anxiety too. Though I should be happy I am not

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    Hello loves. You're all writers, but do you like to read? I recommend "An Unquiet Mind" by Kay Redfield Jamison. You can pick up a used paperback copy for pretty cheap online. It's about a psychologist's personal battle with her depressive mood disorder. Her clinical analysis is insightful, but don't be thrown off by her professionalism. It's a short, easy read that goes down smooth.
    The problem with some depression is there is no external root and it's all internal. I'm talking about a chemical imbalance, and if that's the case then you should talk to a psychiatrist. Maybe meds or psychotherapy will sort you out.
    Then again, I was a very depressed teen and young adult. Antidepressants did not help me. I had to get out of high school and explore the world -- that was my cure :) Sometimes you have to literally break free of the place you're stuck in and experience more of what life has to offer.

    Wish you all the very best. Take it from someone diagnosed with "severe depression" by multiple professionals: It will get better! In the meantime, don't be afraid to ask for help. What you're feeling is real and important.

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    I am finally going to get the help that I need on Monday.

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    Don't mean to pry, but if you're comfortable answering - what kind of help?

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    Jane- I am getting help for my depression and anxiety and suicidal ideation for the first time in my 24 years of life. I'm going to get an intake first which is a psychology evaluation. Then maybe meds and therapy and if necessary a crisis center.

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    Beautiful Soul, thanks for sharing! That's wonderful news and you made my day :)
    That's a tremendous first step that takes courage and strength. I do believe you are already headed in the direction of happiness, though the journey has just begun. It will be an interesting one and you'll learn things about yourself you never knew.
    As a suggestion: sometimes it takes time searching to find the right therapist, so if it doesn't feel right, keep searching. They're people, therefore they are all different. Make sure you find one you like!

    I'm sending positive vibes your way.

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    Thank you for the kind words. My journey I don't think will ever have an ending as life is non stop. But if I can find a glimpse of happiness then I can start making baby steps toward the right path.

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    The journey never ends, you're right :)

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    Indeed and I will be getting assessed for meds next week Monday and maybe start theraoy

  • Masked metaphor
    9 years ago

    Hope all goes well for you James

  • -Choke-On-MY-Halo-
    9 years ago

    Good luck James :)

  • Beautiful Soul
    9 years ago

    I can't wait to start therapy when I can, it will help me a lit.

  • NoHopeLeft
    9 years ago

    Hey just wanting to say hi to all x

  • NoHopeLeft
    9 years ago

    After reading most of the comments and I wanted to share however I think I have to many issus over lapping each other. From being abused, hatred, rejection, infidelity, paranoid, not allowed to see my children one or two other things.

    I tried to get help and i got lost in th system... I didn't know what else to do so I started writing again. Thanks for letting me complain... P x

  • Dancing Rivers
    9 years ago

    No hope left I feel your pain.I've also been through thewhole abuse situation, to be honest still going through it, that could possibly be why I go through erratic spurts of depression, or rather, erratic spurts of happiness.I've been abused in almost every way humanly possible and it's destroyed the better part of me.I used to be such a happy-go-lucky kid but as I've got older I've become antisocial,I hide behind books and poetry and art, and when I'm in a crowd I hide behind the persona of the cultured lady listening attentively, but I'm reality I'm just sitting there lost in my own horrid thoughts and being a wallflower.I was abused so badly add a kid it affected the very core of me.other kids dreamt of their wedding day or the day they'd graduate or all those happy thoughts,I dreamt of running away,I dreamt of killing the people who had hurt me, the people who forced nee into my situation,I dreamt of escape, that was the thought that comforted me all through my life,"one day I'll either escape or these people will die in a delightfully painful way and I won't have to have had anything to do with it,I would be innocent"those were tyre thoughts my five-year-old self had whilst other kids were dreaming of being fairies and princesses I dreamt of becoming a killer that's how deep seated my hatred was and still is,I don't think that way anymore, now as I said,I simply play dead, nod when necessary and then shut my mind off what's going on outside of my's gotten to the point where I talk to myself constantly because I'm the only one who I can trust, I'm the only one who understands my situation.I have school friends who I talk to but there's only so much a teenager wants too know about her friend's sad life before she tires of you.there's only so much sympathy you can receive after that you're on your own,I sought the help of a psychologist, two actually but they didn't do very much to help me, the one only really helped me control my developing alter ego but she's still around and I still feel her fighting for control now and sucks.

    Sorry about that rant I guess I needed to let off some steam

  • Bryana
    9 years ago

    You deserve better hun...