Did u avoid or ignore anyone?

  • nancy
    8 years ago

    Its just a place to discuss these things.hope u all will join

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Avoidance or ignoring someone proves that there is bitterness or unforgiveness in your heart - two things I try and shove out of my heart :)

  • Bob Shank
    8 years ago

    ^I'm just going to ignore that.....lmao

  • Britt
    8 years ago

    Bahahaha, oh, Bob.

  • Poet on the Piano
    8 years ago

    ^ Lol, Bob!

    But Britt, you took the words out of my mouth. I found this out, and realized I was being bitter. I felt awful with that bitterness and knew I had to change something because I don't want to live like that. That's not who I am.

    For me, it's boundaries with people. My counselor said something neat the other week. Think of a house with people closet to your heart (in your room), people in your daily life (in the house), people you interact with often (in the yard) and people you don't see very much (passerbys). I was making this person out to be someone way too close when he was just there as a friendly support system. Avoiding him completely would hurt both of us. And it would hurt me far more than seeing him and saying hello, but not having to feel like I have to "give myself" or "let him completely" in.

  • Milly Hayward
    8 years ago

    I can relate. I fell out with my mother recently and am ignoring her because its the only way that I can cope with her negative bitter approach to life and he condemnation of me and my life. I think about her but her comments are to caustic and I am too old to have to deal with such negativity when I am doing my best to try and stay positive.

  • Red Yoshi
    8 years ago

    My parents, actually all of my family. Yeah.

  • Em
    8 years ago

    I try to avoid negative people

  • Red Yoshi
    8 years ago

    ^ That is a good way to be.

  • Em
    8 years ago

    Why thank you :)