Poetry challenge! Keep it going

  • Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    Happy Friday! So I was a bit nostalgic today, remembering Baby Rainbow's endless lists of prompts... and I was thinking each person could write a prompt for the person below. You can write the most ridiculous rules or restrictions or scenarios, and the person replying has to do their best to fulfill that then challenge the next person.


    Write about your feelings when driving and hitting a HUGE pothole:

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Got it!


    The Pothole

    Driving may not be intended to be effortless,
    perhaps it is wrong to go into dream-state;
    but on the open road it happens sometimes,
    they call it highway hypnosis and it’s bad
    especially when on good Texas concrete.

    There are things you come to expect for sure
    like smooth surface and traction for real
    and the primary hazards are other drivers
    so when the road betrays - badly hits you
    you take it personal and seek answers.

    Headed to Houston from Dallas on I-45
    the most traveled road in the Lone Star
    passing through the Corsicana road work
    BAM! The wheel jerks and twists starboard
    barely avoid doing a 360 in traffic .

    Limp to the shoulder front left sagging
    somehow not killing anyone else
    or even myself - miraculous feeling
    like a Ninja Dale Earnhardt Junior
    pulling into the pit stop with a blown tire.

    Since 1970 this stretch of road has been
    constantly under construction never done
    whole freeway systems have aged out
    while one has been in near fifty years
    busy in a permanent breach birth.

    Damn Corsicana and all its mysterious
    delay to innocent travelers held
    powerless to temporary one-lane traffic
    and rotten roads with potholes to
    destroy a person’s road bound reveries.

    Pop the trunk and find the jack
    before the Corsicana gypsies
    Steal me away to the wilds.

    Next challenge:

    Write about finding the dog of your dreams running loose in a park.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Thanks, Larry! Also, feel free to post here! I was thinking like a rapid fire poetry on the spot kind of thing. But posted to your account works too :)

    Ears droopy,
    mouth open,
    I see him gallop
    with a big adventure
    He looks happier
    than I've felt
    in awhile.
    My heart moves
    me forward til
    he turns to me,
    a smile ready,
    paws on my chest
    as I see he wears
    no collar.
    We lock eyes
    and I sigh
    "where are you from?"


    Write about waking up to find that you're in somebody else's house, someone you don't know, and have no idea how you got there.

  • Mr. Darcy replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Chirrup. . .
    Light flannel flows
    Over my eyes
    Mixing with song
    Unaccustomed shelter
    The birds sing of freedom
    As I wake in my brand-new
    Dog's bed


    Beneath the waves you swim searching for...

  • Everlasting replied to Mr. Darcy
    5 years ago

    Beneath the waves,
    you swim

    searching for a land under the stream


    where you can breath
    what you haven’t been able to do
    above the sea


    Write a poem in couplets

  • Everlasting
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Guys!!! Have I ever told you?
    I probably haven't, but I love you!

    You guys are poets
    and you all know it and show it

    yet have I ever really told you?
    that with you I feel renew!

    It's just that YOU poets
    You really know how to show it

    yet I don't think I ever really told you
    but you are an amazing crew!

    Prompt: Write a poem using abab abab rhyme

  • Everlasting
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    A flower, surrounded by trees,
    once said,
    to hardworking bees,
    “I’m dead.”

    The trees looked down at the bees,
    But down the road came a breeze,
    and said,

    “Oh flower, my dear, be at ease,
    I know that from you, these bees,
    have fed.

    But flower, my dear, please...
    look ahead.
    Those fields that you seee
    blooming, red.

    Are blooming like this, due to these bees,
    that spread,
    from flower to flower, the pollen, they seize,
    from YOU, my friend.”

    Prompt: blue

  • Hellon replied to Everlasting
    5 years ago

    Code Blue! Code Blue!

    You gave me your heart and...

    I took it for granted


    you say you're leaving and

    I ask,

    Can I come too?


    Getting to a place you've dreamed of when you have no money.

  • Obscure
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    The weatherworn traveler, covered in dust
    pulled a cart made of tin and rust
    Over the lonely mountains came
    With ne'er a penny to his name
    Traveled past glimmering ocean caves
    Past silent monarch's humble graves
    under the trees and over brooks
    past castles painted as in books
    Quietly walked to a wooden gate
    Where only the ivy lay in wait
    Up to the cozy wooden door
    This was at last what he'd waited for
    Entered the house and stayed up all night
    Reading good books by the firelight

    (edit)Prompt: write about fireflies/lightning bugs on a summer night

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Obscure
    5 years ago

    I miss when I
    used to dance
    with the fireflies,
    believing they would
    share their light
    and that I, too,
    could glow.

    Now, the air is
    devoid of rhythm,
    as my eyes play tricks
    and I look for spirits
    in flight.


    Write a poem personifying a stapler.

  • Obscure
    5 years ago

    I spew out metal, puncture wood
    I draw together a childhood
    I pin your papers all together
    But it won't hold in soaking weather

    I crush metal (if it's thin)
    Be careful 'cause I'll go through skin
    Sometimes I'm an idiot
    Cause I decide that I'll just quit

    If I'm empty, I've no use
    I can't hold up to much abuse
    A fragile helper on your table
    But I'll help you when I'm able

    prompt: write about your happiest memory

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Obscure
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    ^ I love that so much!

    Though my memory often
    fails me, heartbroken and
    scarred, I'll never forget
    how loved I felt when
    we adopted you.
    My mouth never knew
    smiles could last that long;
    you chose my pillow to
    rest your head,
    and the nightmares
    of hospitalization faded.
    You brought forth sunshine
    with each delicate paw
    and I was proud to call you
    as I myself became saved
    by your arrival.


    Imagine you are caught in a tea cup (think Alice in Wonderland taking a pill to become small). What are your feelings? How will you get out?

  • Obscure
    5 years ago

    The teacup:
    The walls are slippery
    and I find no door
    No windows or drapery
    A curve for a floor

    My socks are quite soaked
    In some herbal tea
    I'd just like to know
    Why'd this happen to me?

    I raise my fist up
    And pound on the side
    This porcelain cup
    can't keep me inside

    I know at some time
    A crack will appear
    I'll use it to climb
    Till I get out of here

    prompt: staying cozy during a snowstorm

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Obscure
    5 years ago

    During winter, my soul sleeps
    Dreams of summer my mind keeps
    As the winds outside prove their fury
    And snow stills the judge and jury.

    I make a nest of antique books
    Full of adventure, love and crooks
    To spend each hour near the fire
    Where stories entertain and inspire.

    Even though the snowbanks rise
    I do not let boredom be my demise
    For I have new worlds to now explore
    As I dive into such enchanting lore.

    Write a poem where you are the hunter. What are you chasing? An animal? A person? An idea?

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    I’m a hunter of ideas
    who shoots at random thoughts
    I chase them in a jungle
    made of words

    like pumas,
    they growl at me afar the distance
    sneaking quietly,
    quietly sneaking
    sneaking closer
    to my bow

    until my arrow hits them
    and they go...

    bleeding ...
    bleeding ...

    leaving trace

    I’m a hunter being hunt.

    Prompt: airplane

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    It's as if I hope to see a sign in the clouds
    or perhaps a promise from waves below -
    a reassurance that the world isn't ending,
    that I won't disappear without a trace,
    sinking into cerulean oblivion.

    The woman to my left nods to her music,
    the man to my right reads Bukowski while
    nurturing the idea of sleep,
    and I fall somewhere between
    nightmares and the breaths of poems breeding.


    Prompt: Write about the sun as if it was a character chasing you or stalking you.

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Fiery Sun

    Barely grasping my breath,
    as the chase melts down the
    ice cream in my hand.
    I run...
    Sweat dripping..
    And then
    I feel the heat grabbing
    my shoulders,
    So I...
    try to escape from your
    burning arms.

    If you were an insect what would you be?

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Black witch moth

    A harbinger
    of farewell,
    a soul returning
    to say goodbye.
    that my presence
    means misfortune.
    Why can't you
    let me haunt
    these surroundings
    I am too afraid
    to explore in daylight?
    The hearts that
    still beat and oh,
    how I miss the way
    I could sleep next
    to their rhythms.

    Trust me that I mean
    no harm but
    everyone bleeds
    paranoia from
    their veins
    all the same.

    I am not at rest,
    a butterfly of death.


    If your favorite song could take the form of a painting, what would it look like?

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Within a canvas,
    I find myself sitting on the edge
    of the treehouse we built.

    Reading the letters you sent,
    looking for somerthing to rely on.

    Listening to the river running
    beneath the oak tree.

    And you from far away,
    hidden within the bushes
    watching me.

    So I called you with the
    lyrics of our favorite song
    “And if you have a minute why don’t we go,
    talk about it somewhere only we know.”
    If you should paint your life with one color what would it be?

    PS I truly love this thread, it makes you write whatever comes to your mind.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    ^ I LOVE Keane! This brings back memories. My friend's mom was going to throw away their "Hopes & Fear" album because certain parts kept skipping but she saved it and we would always listen to it together.

    I always dream
    in color,
    but life is often
    with its fake vibrancy
    and shallow brilliance.

    I find wonder
    and sometimes fear
    when I open eyelids
    to find an abyss;
    shades of black
    still speak,
    of everything lost
    of everything found
    of the void
    where colors fail
    and silence
    still mourns.


    Write a poem inspired by this random quote (can be amusing, dark, whatever):

    “Just picked up a black pair of scissors thinking they were my glasses.
    That definitely would't have enhanced my eyesight.”
    - Phil Lester

  • Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    I picked up the blade
    like it would help me sow
    my seeds, my potential

    just as I picked up
    sorrow on the side of the road,
    gave birth to shame
    and somehow never knew
    I could distance myself,
    start on another path

    that my sight, my mind, my soul
    could be nourished
    without self-inflicted harm.


    You are driving in the country and are on a deserted road. You see a figure in the middle of the road but can't make out if they are okay. Do you stop and help or swerve around? Write a poem about it :)

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    The Shade Less Taken

    Two paths emerged on an uphill grade
    one around and one to stop and see
    what need might be held by the shade
    which stood wavering, seeming frayed
    as a beacon of warning, perhaps in plea.

    Slowed and peered at the face hid
    behind nebulose veils and unseeable;
    then around the road for clues to bid
    whether to stop or flee not stop amid
    troubles that may not be agreeable.

    Both alternatives presented equal risk
    whether to abandon a human in need
    or present myself and feel the whisk
    of deadly fires or spinning disk
    rather than obey the urge to speed.

    Chose the person, pulled to the side
    and let myself out to the dusty road
    heard faint thank you as she sighed
    and her arms in pain opened wide
    she collapsed, I took up this load.

    Many cars had passed her by
    and only I had stopped to aid
    the clinic saved her, she did not die
    never once aloud did she even cry
    I never regretted the choice I made.

    (apologies to Robert Frost)

    Write about your kitchen "junk" drawer

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Mama would always send us to the
    kitchen drawer for such odds and ends,
    a button here, a button there
    scissors and safety pins everywhere.
    I would always stretch my hand to see
    how deep the space went
    until fingers became jammed,
    my skin suddenly scrunched and crammed

    and I would grunt, returning
    with nothing but a sticky note and
    bruised skin for all my troubles.


    Write about what immediately comes to mind when you think of the word "magic".

  • Everlasting replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    a woman without a head
    a man with a saw
    a stage

    That’s magic

    a stage
    a man with a saw
    a woman without a head

    Write what immediately comes to mind when you think of the word “miracle”

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    A miracle of love,
    A daughter of the stars
    Trees intertwining their
    Stories on her arms.

    She joins her other half,
    A woman who rests behind waterfalls
    And they create an eternity
    Where no one will fear them.

    Love so bountiful
    No human could separate.


    Write from the perspective of a bird's nest knocked over by the wind.

  • silvershoes
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    All but one egg cracked, she notices,
    cane set aside the hemlock tree as she bends over,
    cupping between weathered hands the nest of a young robin

    Her hair, white as her bones, whips in the wind like wild tentacles
    Tears sting her face when she gazes up to mama bird
    Circling and crying, not understanding what has happened

    After writing that, I reread the prompt. I didn't quite get it, my apologies, MA.

    Write a poem about lying awake in bed for hours, unable to sleep.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to silvershoes
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    Jane, what you wrote is heartbreakingly lovely. And no, it's totally up to you how you take or read the prompt! :)


    I'm familiar with her shadows,
    with her insistence that I am
    the lesser version of who
    I should be.

    I turn at every angle,
    but sweat still mocks my spine
    and the sheets are too sharp
    in their crispness;
    the night knows not of mercy.

    I agonize over what I could
    have done better, the person
    I could have been at the start
    of the day.

    And soon, dawn draws near,
    my thoughts still circling,
    bones tired of being me.


    You are stuck in traffic and a person ahead of you gets out of their car and starts dancing to a song on the radio, while waiting for the traffic to clear. What song are they jamming out to? Write about this encounter!