Valentine's Day Horror!

  • Poet on the Piano
    4 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    Hello! With Valentine's Day so close, I thought I'd post some (hopefully different) prompts and if you feel so inclined and inspired, please pick a prompt and share your work here. Also, feel free to make up your own prompts or twists on Valentine's Day and post them :)

    Prompt 1:
    - You find out that the person you've fallen in love with is not who they really claim to be.

    Prompt 2:
    - You and your significant other are on a date when you witness a murder.

    Prompt 3:
    - You did not receive a candy from anyone on Valentine's Day. Whether you're a child (or adult because hey, don't must of us love candy?), write about how this affects you.

    Prompt 4:
    - Write a poem that includes the words "spine", "rib cage", "blood", "throat", "delicacy" and "caramel".

    Prompt 5:
    - You and your partner are murdered on Valentine's day and stay on the Earth as ghosts. After all, you are both inseparable. Who do you choose to haunt?

    Prompt 6:
    - Write about a Valentine's Day dinner at home that went horribly wrong. Include one mention of a pet, a pop song and the smoke detector going off.

    Prompt 7:
    - You're an alien species that is being murdered by the human race. Humans don't understand that some of you are good, that you even have morals. You've fallen in love with a human and have put them in danger. What do you do?

    Prompt 8:
    - Your love poems and love letters from the past and present come alive, taking a frightening physical form. They will not leave you alone; how do you quell these monsters?

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    4 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    Prompt 5:

    We were few steps early...

    I was still admiring the roses
    within my hands
    and I believe your gaze
    was fixed on me.

    The wind blew..

    Blood flowed...

    And our bodies
    met the pavement
    that somehow
    was warm.

    Like a goodbye
    a hug...

    Or maybe
    welcoming us..

    In to a world were
    we became one..


    In the shadows
    of lovers,
    we rested....

  • prasanna
    4 years ago

    prompt 8:

    with every step you take,
    my heart beats faster.

    i know i wrote you into
    existence; an unsightly
    amalgamation of all
    my saccharine verses,
    unrequited letters,
    stitched together with
    threads of hate. you
    try to speak – the room
    shakes with the resonance
    of your deep growl.

    a mouth of brittle teeth,
    cavities galore, molasses
    dripping from tongue,
    your hair is matted
    with all the words
    that i longed to hear
    from her lips.

    you approach closer
    and time stretches
    itself slowly. i look
    into your eyes,
    dirtied gold swirls
    freely in irises.

    you speak –
    reciting all the
    words of every
    poem & letter
    i’ve penned.

    and i listen,
    mouthing every
    word while you
    wrap your fingers
    around my throat
    and squeeze.

  • Saerelune
    4 years ago, updated 4 years ago

    Prompt 4 & 8:

    I write so that I may live:
    live beyond the smothering cocoon
    of bandaged heartbreak;
    live beyond just pouring caramel
    on this rotten apple of a heart.

    But layer by layer,
    they mummified me:
    these letters of longing
    became an evening gown;
    feeding my naked ribcage
    with scribbled skin.

    I can feel them, sinking,
    s l o w l y,

    like a metaphor

    until each line
    loses its delicacy,
    until all my 'I love you's
    become a funeral shroud
    draping my spine.

    But there's a syllable of hope
    trying to climb up from my throat,
    putting pegs through my skin
    just to survive.

    So I cough.

    I cough up blood.

    I cough up the rot and residue
    of my past, I cough up
    the sickening sweetness
    of self-destruction.

    Until, finally,
    I cough up the word


    I peel the sheets off my skin
    and wear the wax of a warrior.

    I peel the sheets off my skin
    and feed the ghosts to my laundry.

  • Poet on the Piano
    4 years ago

    Um, you guys are seriously awesome! These are BEAUTIFUL.

    I had some thoughts for this for prompt 7:

    They see me as a parasite,
    though I look and talk and act
    just like them,
    they call me alien -
    I've invaded their peace.

    But then, I see her.
    Her emerald eyes
    play melodies on my spine
    I hear her thoughts
    and no one else's.

    I visit her everyday
    before sunrise and
    after sunset,
    so we'll never be spotted.

    The adrenaline
    keeps us hopeful.
    Fear is simply a nuisance
    we don't take too seriously...

    until the humans
    find us, together,
    warm in each other's arms.

    They want to crucify us,
    make an example of
    the danger of our
    two species being so close,
    so intimate.

    Our love is a mockery
    to them.

    We face our execution
    with one last wish,
    to hold hands,
    to show this galaxy
    that the impossible
    does not have to be


  • Saerelune
    4 years ago

    Somehow missed that prompt when I first read the post. Reminds me of Katy Perry's alien. :)

    Thanks for the inspiration MA

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    4 years ago

    Your poem is amazing ^____^ Thank you for the prompts they’re fun and interesting. I may try another one!!

    Mark’s and Saerelune are way better than mine!!!!