Contest Poems!

  • nouriguess
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Hey, again. Five awesome poets (or six maybe) submitted their poems, and I love each one of them. Now I'm going to post them here, so that any member can vote for the poem they liked the most, and say why in just a line or two (no long comment needed, just a few words). I already made my choice! I will post the result next week! Please send your vote to me through a private message. Thank you, and here are the entries:

    - Poem Number One:

    Title: Depression

    I was a balloon
    pumped up
    with life

    with each pump,
    i was elevated
    almost like floating
    yet nowhere



    I became
    d e f l a t e d

    on grounds of loneliness
    for God knows what
    to fill me up
    with hopes and dreams
    that could help me float
    once more


    - Poem Number Two:

    Title: Dimming

    Slow decay of particles light the stage
    quick repartee has faded into rage
    where lightning wit once glowed bright
    now mind’s confused by eternal blight.

    Once remembered faces block the sun
    pester with persistent urges every one
    refusing to accept that they are gone
    like verses love forgot from a song.

    Pleading to be left in solitude for good
    shadows loom where friends had stood
    memory gained in each day’s struggle
    is erased each night leaving muddle.

    Cry all you might that it’s unfair
    there’s no retrieval from despair
    turn away, child, turn away
    no one will ever be home today.


    - Poem Number Three:

    Title: Journal

    You are the silence that drapes over my soul,
    but you brought me no serenity just uncertainty.
    A painful and torturing truth slowly sipping my
    sanity, like you're the calm before the storm.

    You mask yourself with jokes and songs, offer
    me a dance as a celebration of being young.
    With you there is no crashing just landing on
    my feet, counting the times life had been sweet.

    Your pages greet me with a smile, so gracious
    yet curious of what's on my mind. Your empty
    spaces steal my thoughts, and this heart feels
    heavy though there is nothing to hold.


    - Poem Number Five:

    Title: Badlands

    We're running out of water.

    It's been two weeks and we've
    stocked up at the store,
    recycling, conserving any
    water we can

    deciding what is essential;
    our thirst comes first.
    Our skin can wait a few days,
    as we pray for nature
    to provide us with
    complimentary drops.

    I've been hyper-aware of
    how much I drink,
    trying to find the balance
    between dehydration
    and over-saturation.

    I keep bottles next to me.
    I count them every day,
    knowing I should be
    grateful but at the same time,
    wanting to starve my

    We're running out of water,
    waiting on a new well.

    They've been drilling and
    drilling, desperate to find
    a proper location

    but I'm still contaminated.

    I've been poorly drained
    before, always left with
    mildew and heartache.

    Now, you've eroded me.
    I'm begging to be replaced.

    I'm running out of water,
    though everyone around me
    is free to shower and drink
    and wash in luxury,

    I am depleted

    (I've done this to myself).

    -Poem Number Six:

    Title: Stem

    A snake hangs limply from a
    knotted branch, its
    stomach gorged and full;
    its ribcage yawning
    open around a globular
    mass of meat –
    it is not normal,

    at one point, it seems as if
    its skin may split open,
    spilling its meal onto
    the dirt
    or choke,
    choke and regurgitate
    until it is free -
    how slender she is

    how she snakes
    around the protruding
    limbs of the tree
    but no,
    it droops limply
    from the twisted
    naked boughs



    -Poem Number Seven:

    Title: depression as my morning routine

    it is only when the water begins
    to seep through my socks that
    i realize the bathroom sink is
    overflowing again and that no

    matter how far the handles are
    turned the tap never closes

    i have tried to convince myself
    that this is a happy accident
    that 'plink' translates to 'good
    morning' in fixture language

    that i will not let this happen
    again. the dryer begins to laugh.


    SO. Enjoy reading through these beauties, then VOTE. Thank you, and good luck, all participants!

  • D.
    3 years ago

    Thanks for running this contest Noura! Some great poetry here :)

  • nouriguess
    3 years ago

    You're welcome, Danny! I loved reading them.

    Two generous poets voted and gave comments.

    Other members, what are you waiting for?

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Thank you so much for this contest, Noura, these are literally mind-blowing.

    Bumping in hopes others can read and send in their votes, doing so now :)