U.S. Election 2020

  • silvershoes
    3 years ago

    As we await results, I can't help thinking that no matter what happens, Sylvia would be happy that her state went blue this year and did not support Donald. Arizona voted for Biden/Harris.

    How is everyone feeling? I'm incredibly anxious and expecting Trump, but hoping for Biden.

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to silvershoes
    3 years ago

    Likewise with expectation & contrary hope.

    My advice to all: breathe . . .

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    Aw about Sylvia, miss her.... such good news about her state.

    I don't know about anyone else, but I stayed up entirely too late last night. Mostly, just trying to distract myself with video games and Netflix so I'd only be checked updates intermittently. My state, Indiana, went red for the most part, which is no surprise, but still disappointing (in 2008, we went blue). We hit a record for early voting though, and almost doubled voter turnout from 2016, so that's big.

    Some good news: AOC won her re-election, Sarah McBride became the first openly transgender person to be elected state senator in US history, and Utah voters passed an amendment to finally remove slavery as a punishment for a crime from the the state constitution. It's shocking that it was still technically legal.

    My advice would be to feel your feelings. Your sadness, anger, hopelessness, etc. Your feelings are valid. Just realize you are not alone and have support. And we'll fight like hell either way.

    Thinking of you all - be gentle with yourself today <3

  • Ben Pickard replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    The currant system is so flawed. In a true democracy, Biden would have it. Doesn't he now have over 2 million more of the popular vote?

  • Abed
    3 years ago

    The US elections are always entertaining to watch, I feel anxious lol

    If Biden keeps leading in NV, MI, and WI he'll have the 270 electoral votes and win. Is my understanding right?

  • Violet Raven
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    Congratulations to the people who are in the usa. Looks like it's probable you will get your wish of Biden winning.

    Just know you voted for

    The person who wrote the crime bill
    A vp who locked up black men.
    A person who will veto Medicare for all
    Someone who is anti-pot
    Someone who has been accused of sexual assault by at least 7 women.
    Who started 7 wars while vp
    Built the cages the kids are in
    Who said they would make a Republican cabinet.
    Voted for 2 Republican scotus judges
    Has voted for all wars and in doing so killed millions of innocent people.
    Would expand the police force and military spending
    Won't ban fracking
    Is anti-LGBTQ

    Good luck pushing him left. You have screwed the poor and minority people who you claim to protect. Hypocrites.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Violet Raven
    3 years ago, updated 3 years ago

    I still believe a third party vote is completely wasted. Good-intentioned, but there's no chance in the next few decades at least, that it will result in much. Jorgensen has 1.1% of votes. The Green Party candidate, Howie Hawkins, has even less at .2%. At this point, you're voting for Trump if you vote for either of them. It's dangerous to waste a vote like that and think it will yield a different outcome. I get that personal morals may tie into this, like if you can't stomach compromising, but I could counter your post and say it's hypocritical to vote for someone who will never win, as you're putting the livelihood of millions of Americans at risk.

    Both parties (R + D) are corrupt in their own way. And ridiculously flawed. A lot of us are not "excited" for Biden. There was a poll I read where a large number of Biden voters were voting not for the candidate, but as a vote against Trump. This speaks volumes that he's not an ideal candidate by any means, but voting for him will give us a future to elect better candidates, and actually give us the opportunity to have a moment where we truly support the candidate. It's honestly awful that it's like that, and it's manipulation. We shouldn't HAVE to settle, which means challenging Biden and holding him just as accountable as we would anyone else. The chances of turning Biden left may not be that effective. For years, I've been against the whole "choose the lesser evil" mentality. I now realize the privilege in that.

    In my opinion, it's downright silly on a national level to put your voting right toward a third party (local may make more sense to challenge the status quo and seek better representation). I hate that it's like that. I want a different future for us all...

  • nouriguess replied to silvershoes
    3 years ago

    I sincerely hope Trump doesn't win anything ever again. He should be charged with the murder of thousands of Americans, let alone millions of people all over the world. He was the one to impose economic sanctions on Syria, which caused Syrians to live in abject poverty. He sent US troops to our land. He's a homophobic, transphobic anti-feminist and extremist who proudly humiliates and offends women and aspires to control what they do with their bodies. He's a joke - (Syrians literally make fun of him and laugh at what he declares). He's trying to turn the US into a real-life Handmaid's Tale.
    I shuddered just talking about him.

    I'm anxious as well, and hoping Biden wins. Even though I'm sure Biden will leave the American troops in many Syrian cities, but at least, he condemned starting a war with Russia and Iran in the Syrian region.

  • Abed replied to Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    I kind of agree, too.

    Even though I'm just a spectator but I'll never understand why people let old men, regardless of their political views, decide the fate of the newer generations. My president is 85+, and he wants to grab the wheel of the future, us, the youth. Sad and frustrating.

  • silvershoes
    3 years ago

    Biden was one of my least favorite democratic candidates and I’m sorry he’s what we’re left with, but I would choose Biden over Trump any day of the week.

  • Darren replied to silvershoes
    3 years ago

    Somebody on my twitter feed described trump as a terracotta sh!tgibbon

    I couldn't have put it more eloquently myself.

  • Maple Tree
    3 years ago

    Trump was an embarrassment to this county, I'm happy to see him leaving, that is all.

  • Poet on the Piano
    3 years ago

    AHHH it's now official!!!

    Thanks to Stacey Abrams, a voting rights advocate, who helped register 800,000 voters and helped turn Georgia blue. And all poll workers, first time voters, Black organizers etc.

    Celebrate, take a rest, there's still so much to do <3

  • Maple Tree
    3 years ago

    im so happy Im dancing

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Maple Tree
    3 years ago

    Yayy!! I'll dance with you!!

    I can't stop smiling, and it's so beautiful to hear the stories of complete joy from others!
    History has been made ^_^

  • Abed
    3 years ago

    Happy for you, too!
    I think the US deserves to have less hate... Glad to see Harris as vice president also.