Prompt time!

  • Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago

    Hey! Thought we could try this since it's been a bit quiet. Reply to the prompt with whatever comes to mind (whether a sentence, a poem, or thoughts you associate with the prompt), then give a random prompt for the next person!


    Prompt: avocados and airplanes

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    Lesly and her Siblings

    Four indigenous children
    survive a plane crash
    in the Amazon jungle.

    Stay by their dying mother
    mourning for two days
    then set out to survive.

    Thirteen years, yet managed
    their survival on cassava flour
    water and jungle food.

    With rudimentary knowledge
    yet greater skills than you or I
    she brought them through.

    Forty days and forty nights
    in fearsome jungle dire
    she lost not one sibling.

    She's headed for wherever
    her head and heart will take her
    perhaps the stars above.

    Shellfish and a rash

  • Obscure replied to Larry Chamberlin
    10 months ago

    I went to a beach-side restaurant
    Filled with dishes I couldn't pronounce
    And I knew that I shouldn't indulge
    but with prices so good, I just pounced

    The foods were so colorfully plated
    While the smell of the sea filled the air
    That my hunger was doubled, no, tripled!
    So I ordered much more than my share

    I ate with great gusto and gladness
    The tastes melting onto my tongue
    And before I'd considered the dangers,
    I was itching as though I'd been stung

    My skin was the color of lobster
    As if I'd become what I ate
    I was mutating into a shellfish
    But I couldn't succumb to my fate

    From my bag came the lobster's unmaker
    With help, my transforming would halt
    And although I gave into temptation,
    I now know that the food was at fault

    So now when I sit by the ocean
    And consider a snack or a meal
    I'm so much more careful of shellfish
    (Those low prices weren't such a great deal)

    Road trip and stars

  • Everlasting
    10 months ago

    Where stars orbit around stars
    Where the universe echoes ripples of light
    I would like to visit tonight

    Prompt: mirror

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    And isn't it a funny thing?
    That the mirror is sometimes my friend.
    At the most quiet hours,
    in the most surprising ways,
    it lets me know it's okay to feel.
    Whether I am grieving a shape
    I can never hold,
    or celebrating the ways I've grown
    into who I now cherish.
    The mirror grants me grace,
    and has taught me self-love.


    Prompt: fireworks and saying goodbye

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    loud noises and flashing lights,
    I try to keep them inside but I lose
    myself to the kaleidoscope of colors
    and pixie dust. reality is now captured
    in an image within my memory
    I lose senses, as time keeps exploding
    right before my eyes.

    I’ve only seen the end
    but never the future.

    Prompt: crows and daffodils

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    10 months ago

    You prefer to see the world
    in nothing but absolutes;
    you build a garden of daffodils
    and try to learn the recipe for sunshine.
    Meanwhile, you ignore the cloudy days,
    the crows you associate with gloom
    keeping a watchful eye.
    Can't you see?
    There is beauty in what you
    choose to ignore.


    Prompt: You wake up not knowing where you are, but it's not necessarily a bad place. Describe it; are you stuck in a dream, or really awake? :)

  • Star replied to Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago

    a frame barely hanging on the wall,
    the vintage semi shiny brown frame
    with a washed out golden trim,
    everyone is smiling a ray of light
    reflects of her as she stood on the side.
    I cant tell how wide her smile is.
    strangers in a strange house.
    I walk to the window open the beige
    curtains, the sun scatters through the
    leave of green, the forest hums.
    I look back to the frame,
    she is smiling the widest.

    Prompt: someone sent you a message what is it?

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Star
    10 months ago

    Funny, I was sure the fax was turned off
    so many ads make it not worthwhile
    but when I saw the message come out
    i went from beguiled into a smile.

    Who knew a four-year-old could fax
    but here is his beautiful drawing
    of him, me and his dad, my son;
    the refrigerator door is calling.

    Prompt: a cave, a concert

  • Star replied to Larry Chamberlin
    10 months ago, updated 10 months ago

    Around a bone fire they gather,
    The Flintstones swaying
    with tbeir shadows and the bats,
    as Fred and Wilma chant
    the song of the night.

    Prompt: I’ll make it different this time the prompt is this song Dirty Paws by Of Monsters and Men. I am listening to a 2010s playlist and it came on just now lol

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Star
    10 months ago

    ^ I haven't listened to Of Monsters and Men in quite awhile and I don't recall ever hearing this song, so thanks for introducing it to me :)

    In my imagination,
    everything in nature
    tried to exist in harmony.
    But one night, I heard
    The screams echoed,
    and I could not find the source.
    So I traveled to new lands,
    learning their language,
    trying to understand
    why there never was any peace.
    And they told me,
    they told me
    that even in my most vivid fantasy,
    there would always be a traitor.
    There would always be a creature
    with thoughts too loud,
    and paws too curious.
    Sometimes, you cannot outrun
    a predator,
    even if you never see it.


    Prompt: Midnight whiskey and mountaintops.

  • Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago

    we talk about the heaviness
    when we are at the highest altitude;
    i feel i can be unburdened,
    as words begin to avalanche,
    alcohol sliding down smoothly -
    the glass smooth against my palm.
    i rest my head against your shoulder,
    and even though this is just a dream,
    i let myself hold it, one minute longer.

    prompt: power to the people

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    10 months ago

    Unless you grew up in the '60s
    there's no way to truly know
    what power should go to people
    and when to make a show

    governments are fine if they
    protect the weakest of us all
    but forcing the status quo
    is to line us against the wall

    privacy may be the first to go
    the right to our personal drives
    what we do with our own bodies
    and how we manage our lives

    prompt: black coffee, long road

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    10 months ago

    You always took your coffee black,
    and it wasn't until I grew up
    that I followed suit.
    We rarely travel on
    any long roads,
    but I hope for more
    adventures with you -
    for less anxiety
    about the future.
    I want to explore
    without hesitation,
    and start our day
    at a small-town diner
    where no one knows
    our name.
    Where no one can
    judge our history.


    Prompt: ashes in the sky

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    9 months ago

    The smores are done
    everyone has goo spread across their faces
    and the sticks have turned
    from marshmallow holders
    to coal pokers.

    It doesn't matter how often you say
    "Don't play in the fire,"
    it's going to happen.
    No nine-year-old can resist
    the glowing embers
    and the sudden burst of flame as her tool
    overheats and explodes into a torch.

    So you hold your remonstrations
    and simply keep close eye
    to prevent disaster
    as the poking sticks send up cinders
    wafting in the heated gyre
    and sprinkling ashes on the company.


    a large eye staring at you from underwater

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    9 months ago, updated 9 months ago

    ^ This made me want s'mores, which I keep saying I want to do with my family around our fire pit. It's been so long and I always had a habit of burning mine oops!

    I'm plunged into an
    obsidian pool,
    my eyes unable to
    adjust to the dark.
    Soon, I feel a
    and suddenly,
    the water clears,
    light emanating
    from below.
    The current pulls
    me under,
    though I try to
    kick free,
    as the light blinks
    and blinks and

    I am closer now,
    my vision restored,
    a black dot at the
    center of the
    white expanse.
    The light is blinding.
    Its pupil swallows
    me whole.

    I am not alone.


    Prompt: heat strokes and kaleidoscopes

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    9 months ago, updated 9 months ago

    My wife must be trying to kill me.
    This bucket of rocks is the twelfth
    that I've hauled to the garden
    in the world's hottest summer
    that is on human record.

    My peripheral vision is wild
    like a kaleidoscope in red
    and I do believe I'm close
    to dropping where I struggle
    - let her find me here, then.

    Yet I trundle along overheated
    thinking about just three things:
    a cold, ice-cold beer in frosty mug,
    the pool and dropping in soon,
    the epitaph: he died rockin' it.


    Prompt: something majestic

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    9 months ago

    My favorite spot in the woods
    holds secrets I someday hope
    to know. The bugs are plenty,
    overgrown bushes reaching
    out with gossip, as I climb
    over tree trunks and uneven soil.
    Kelly green leaves droop,
    sunlight filtering through,
    and it's here I feel I can breathe.
    Nature is majestic in a way
    humans could never mimic.


    Prompt: trying to solve a mystery in a thunderstorm

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    9 months ago

    I watched as the old man walked out into the storm.
    He carried a glass jar, a kite and other stuff
    which he loaded onto poor son William
    when the boy protested Ben gave him a cuff.

    Now they went into the field next to my house
    and Ben tied several strings to the kite
    but when he flew it up into the air
    lightning all around gave me a fright.

    Imagine this coot getting soaked through
    and hanging a key on the kite string
    while William held the bottom end
    not knowing what fate would bring.

    From where I stood in the shed
    it was easy to see the key spark
    onto his knuckle close to it
    swear by all he'd made his mark.

    "Tis electricity," he exclaimed
    and filled his jar with the juice
    from the bolts sent all around
    down from the hand of Zeus.

    Prompt: discovering your friend's softer nature

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Larry Chamberlin
    9 months ago

    ^ That is a such a good prompt, Larry! Meant to come back to this earlier.

    She went through each new door with me,
    without an ounce of judgement.
    I kept asking, "is this okay?",
    yet nothing deterred her.
    She stayed by my side.
    She stayed even when the worst
    sort of questions were asked,
    and the truth got caught in my throat.

    And I'm glad I never doubted her.


    Prompt: playing a ukulele in the heat

  • Larry Chamberlin replied to Poet on the Piano
    8 months ago

    Hot sand crunched under my feet
    wet from the waves yet near unbearable;
    young kama'aina strummed his ukulele
    under an umbrella, playing was terrible.

    Walked into the waves with my board
    stood atop with the paddle heading out
    the ukulele music became intense
    far away I heard a tremendous shout

    People were headed to the shore
    in the breakers the waves did roar,
    frisson gripped me I forgot the din
    turned behind - saw tall dorsal fin.


    What happens next?

  • Everlasting
    8 months ago

    Title: What happens next?

    i don’t know, I wish I knew
    but i don’t know
    It’s really hard to know,
    really, I don’t know!

    if only I knew,
    I would tell you what I know
    though it seems like I do know
    because right now
    I’m telling you what i know
    which is that I do not know

    but wait?

    I was reading the prompts
    and there was that question

    “What happens next?”

    And here I am writing that I do not know
    yet somehow I am still writing

    but i do not know what happens next


    Prompt: a void

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Everlasting
    8 months ago

    there is
    a void in my heart
    i keep trying to fill,
    but nothing wants to
    stay in the space.
    it evaporates,
    as soon as it arrives.
    and i have to make peace
    with the truth
    that you are gone,
    and the emptiness remains.


    you're in your garden, watering flowers, when something visits you. what is it?

  • Dino Dhamphyr replied to Poet on the Piano
    8 months ago

    In my garden, Daisies and Sunflowers sway,
    Watering blooms, when a buzz comes my way.
    From the hum, a visitor descends to see,
    A speaking wonder, a conversing bee.

    "How do you do?" inquires the bee,
    A fascinating sight, a kinship to be.
    "I tend my flowers," I reply with delight,
    "And you, dear bee, what brings your flight?"

    In this game of life, the bee did say,
    "We share a bond in the light of day."
    Between the droplets, and sun's soft hue,
    A friendship blossomed, and the garden grew.


    prompt: Midnight shadow on a moonless night.

  • Poet on the Piano replied to Dino Dhamphyr
    8 months ago, updated 8 months ago

    ^ That's so beautiful!

    I feel your presence
    even when the light fades,
    when nothing guides my path
    but the remnant of your voice.
    Rainfall tends to my loneliness,
    as shadows from a lost memory
    dance across my vision.
    You are present, yet never here.
    And I miss you the most
    when it's closest to midnight.
    when my heart feels the darkest.


    You're lost in a forest at night and panicking. How do you find help/ return home?