Out of the bones..

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Hey guys,

    when i'm not writing sociologist poetry i like to experiment with altered states of consciousness...and i don't just mean coffee and alcopops.

    I met a nice young chap yesterday and we had a great chat about Outer Body Experiences [OBEs for short]. We've both had them...and so, i was wondering if anyone in here has had any and would like to share their experience?

    I will if you will.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago


    I will start first. I don't know if it was an OBE, but this is what I experienced.

    Several years ago I was hospitalized for two months and was extremely ill. I underwent two operations to remove two growths on my back and was so sick and weak that I could not even walk.

    The second operation that I had to undergo was scheduled for 1:00am in the morning and lasted several hours. The doctor in fact only gave me a 50 % chance for the operation and the hospital chaplain was summoned and prayed with me in the evening. I was basically asked if I was at peace and prepared to me my maker.

    That early morning I was wheeled into the operation room and during the course of the operation I experienced what I think was an OBE. I recall that I felt I was floating above the surgeons and watching them perform the operation. Then suddenly everything blacked out and when I woke I was in the recovery room?

    That's my experience, now your turn.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I have not had an out of body, but I have had a precognition experience

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    I can't say I have experienced anything like this, but I am interested in your stories.

    Very interested.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Kaitlin Kristina
    18 years ago

    Nice topic.

    I know a lot about the metaphysics pertaining to OBE's and remote viewing experiences, however, have not had a conscious one myself beyond normal "dream time."

    I do, however, believe that you can have "out of mind" experiences, where your awareness leaves your body (or mind) without your being awares of HAVING a physical body or vehicle, and I have had those.

    (I didnt explain that particularly well.)

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Nice Steve, thats a classic scenerio. And Bobby, you surprise me, transdental meditation?...those guys are cultists aren't they?

    I learned the trick of OBE'ing when i was 16 from books. Only to discover after years of being troubled by a recurring nightmare that they used to happen to me quite naturally when i was a child but my mother used to get very scared when i told her about them...so i stopped it to make her happy.

    Seen all kinds of ghosts...witnessed things miles away and actually confirmed them with people...who promptly freaked out....and only recently have i gotten back into them after meeting a guy in a pub who has started along the astral road.

    If any of you guys fancy learning some simple tricks to experience this thing..go to


    Or i could give you a few tips...well worth it and unless you have serious heartproblems...danger free.

    Happy flying.

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    Yes, Kevin, I am interested in your story. Please post it.

    You mentioned about ghosts....this has caught my attention the most.

    I fear I do have a weak heart though.

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • xTheEcstasyOfSuicidex
    18 years ago

    I have before, and it rather frightened me...It happened twice in one night, and then once again the following night. I don't care to remember it...or describe it, but I will tell you this: I phsyically felt two of my beings...one was, persay, typing on the computer, while the other was watching and telling me to shut up..Perhaps that's not 'out of body experience' but to me it is...that or insanity.

  • Bill Turner
    18 years ago

    I had a similar experience to Steve's, except mine was an emergency surgery the day after Christmas last year. I remember hearing the anesthesiologist (the guy with the drugs) say to the surgical nurse, "I hope the surgeon gets here soon, he doesn't look like he's going to make it". With three of us in the room, I did the basic math and made peace with God, who I had been pissed at for about six years. I remember being put out and I remember watching them do part of the surgery, from above. I don't remember a thing until I woke up in the hospital room. I made my wife leave and checked myself out the next day. I was eight hours from home and made the drive, despite being told to stay in the hospital. Called the woman I had fallen in love with over the phone, professed my love for her and made some serious changes in my life (divorce, new love, etc.).

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Bold story Bill...there's nothing like a bit of death to brighten up life eh?

    The meat and bones of Astral projection is relaxation. SO to start off all you really have to do it go to bed as you would normally [ except Bob who is immortal and therefor never sleeps]. Lie down and let your body fall asleep but keep your mind awake. Don't let sleep take you mind into oblivion.

    You have no idea how tricky this can be. Count to 100 slowly and with every number exhale gently and feel all the muscles in your body relax more and more and more and more...

    After 10 to 15 minutes of this you should feel at the very least...strange..like dead cold lead...from there many unusual things can happen..including OBEs...but to start get used to relaxing.

    If you can hold this state then an OBE will happen because they happen every night as a matter of course..it's just that your mind is asleep and so remembers only a dream.

    Have a try.

  • Atomic
    18 years ago

    I'll try just that, but um.......how do you define "unusual things"?

    ( )_( )
    (")-(") Arrivederci!

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    I won't have to define it. If you get there, and i don't mean to sound wanky when i say that...you will know what i mean by unusual.

  • Feline Fatigue
    18 years ago

    I have a book about OBE's, and it tells you how to attempt one. although, me, I just get daja'vu too often.

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    Thank you Kevin for reading and commenting on my last post in the topic’ ‘[Locked] Who here believes in god?.’ I have not read enough quantum physics to attempt a logical understanding of OBE’S and find them as mysterious as the contradictions in the church
    A fellow friar, Padre Alessio recalls an incident when he entered Padre Pio's room and found him shivering. The weather was warm but he appeared to be freezing. He later learned that the mystic had been hearing the confession of a man dying high in the snowy mountains, Padre Pio has been recently canonized by the church

    How many senses are involved in an out of body experience?

  • Kevin
    18 years ago

    Nice one apathetic...it really sounds like you're on the way...just keep at it...deeper...deeper ...deeper.....your body will take over and an OBE will occur...you just have to hang in there...and pretty soon it will ge quicker and quicker.

    Micheal, yeah i'm a big fan of Padre Pio...wrote a few articles about him when i was editor of the student newspaper...he was an amazing man...Bi location was just one of his special gifts...which i take to be the ability to split your consciousness into several sections and send them out to whereven you want them....like a very advanced OBE....because when i have OBE's i'm still aware of my body in a very small way...but i can't control it...and i certainly can't just be in many places at once like Pio could. I'm lucky if i can control where i go when i'm out.

    And i don't Kung FU fight with demons and spirits like he did...

  • Bogie
    18 years ago

    Back in 1977 at the age of 22 I had an O.B.E.
    Not proud to say but using drugs was the cause.
    First time and the last time I used a needle, my
    friend shot me up with PCP. I got so high from
    it I went to my room to lie down on my bed.

    Able to think straight my body I could not control
    I barely could walk and had to wink one eye to see
    In my bed almost asleep thinking to myself I will
    be all right. Then it seems like not much time passed
    I was hovering high up in the corner of my room.
    Viewing myself in the bed asleep, confused trying
    to figure out why am I seeing myself out of my body
    I saw my friend open my door to check on me and as
    that happened I woke up from him shaking me and
    shouting my name, Danny wake up! wake up!
    The next thing I remember back in my body I found
    myself opening my eyes. Awake now thinking to
    myself did I just now fly out of my body? or did I
    almost just now die? Or was a dreaming awake?
    Years later I came across an article about lucid
    dreaming and thought maybe that is what I was

    Kevin your method for astral projection is very much
    like preparing ones self for lucid dreaming.

    What are your thoughts about this?

    Lucid dreaming is dreaming while being aware that you
    are dreaming and presents the opportunity of controlling your dreams.

    Great thread by the way,

  • Michael D Nalley
    18 years ago

    I have often been fascinated by dreams and various theories on their cause
    And as Bogie stated I am not proud of the ways I sometimes reached altered conscience states during the course of my life. I have a theory about astral projection, which ties out of body to precognitive dreams of which I have experienced. The best way I can describe my experience is that I had a strong feeling that had dreamed events that happened exactly the way I dreamed them. I used to think of these experiences as spiritual transgressions of time.

    I wonder if a person that was blind from birth ever had a visual dream?
    I agree with Bogie this is a great thread

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Anyone ever had Deja-vu experiences of going somewhere new for the first time but having the feeling that the surroundings are familiar and you been there in the past.

    I have had one or two such experiences.

  • Steven Beesley
    18 years ago

    Actually, the growing ball of light he refers to appears in ancient Chinese text. A meditation form practiced by the Chinese called "Che Gung", the literal translation means "True Breath."

    The thing is to hover just in the state of being relaxed and on the brink of falling asleep, that is the difficult part.