
  • PS
    18 years ago


    alright new idea. i dont know about you guys but i like to read. i love reading about adventures and romances and different things. SOOOO i want you to write a poem inspired by a book that youve read. write the poem, which book it was based on and say what your inspiration is.

    -over after 10 poems

    1st- 10 comments
    2nd-8 comments
    3-5 comments
    4- 3 comments

    everyone else 1 comment.

    get writing folks

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    ~Like Cyrano's Nose~

    Like Cyrano and his nose,
    I have many insecurities.
    External imperfections,
    have led to internal impurities.

    I always try to compensate,
    for what I'm lacking on the surface.
    I do things that are bold and daring,
    for no reason, rhyme, or purpose.

    I tend to make light of situations,
    that are darker than the night.
    I try to hide all worry and despair,
    when all I feel is fright.

    A fear of rejection, encompasses me.
    From now, to the end of my days,
    because I know that my one true flaw,
    will surpass me in every game.

    By that, I mean, it will never give in.
    It will always be there to haunt me.
    No matter how hard I try to ignore it,
    there is no way for it not to taunt me.

    ~Sean Dohr~

    Cyrano deBergerac

    -While reading this play, I came to notice that Cyrano and I have many similarities. We both allow external imperfections to effect internal beauties. Often, I find myself trying to excel in things that there is no need to excel in, like Cyrano, I am only trying to compensate for what I lack on the outside.

  • silhouette fairy
    18 years ago

    This simple pleasure
    by Silhouette, of something unimaginable

    The stars are out
    we are together
    nothing but us
    and this simple pleasure

    laying in the sand
    with the waves crashing in
    and our love to warm us
    after our midnight swim

    you fret about the castle, i broke
    but we built one together
    bigger and better
    just hold on to this simple pleasure

    the stars are out
    we haven't a care
    they glisten in the sky
    like the sun in your hair

    we took a picture
    of us together
    as i look at it
    i remember this simple pleasure

  • PS
    18 years ago

    whats it from? explain..

  • unstated affinity
    18 years ago

    when time touch its destiny...........

    Captivating the sight of your dream...
    fabrics of thought lies shattered
    treasures mountain, tranquil stream
    season of bless slowly weathered...

    the glittering sunlight peeps from the sky....
    await for your solace touch
    cascading the green, green grass
    shimmering splendid brought the sense of peace....

    trees bow in silence...
    within your abundant charm of loveliness
    break away the cold spell of winter
    put us in a warm consolation...

    the gushes of the stream, the gold arbion of water
    splashing arround us as raindrops of love....
    a simple life that i always fancy
    which i hope comes to eternity

    but alas...
    what a woeful despair
    i am simply lack of flair
    when this heart strangled of hapinnes
    i just unfamiliar with words
    the word of love seems hidden solemntly with the evening wind
    the ordinary thing that i've never seen

    stuck in a pile of sand
    on just another way of saying goodnight.....
    although deep in my heart
    just like heaven, i want to hold u tight..

    sharing such unbridle life, apart from all turbulence..
    such sentimental scenery and the wild night
    girl thats all i've been longing
    yet i left in silence without saying anything...

    sometimes i feel like a silly star
    lamenting its ability to twinkle
    listening to your wish , and dream, with your special style
    but i just end up with smile.....

    i just believe that one day
    when time touch its destiny..
    i could bring you inside my story
    our fairy world, enchanted with affinity...

    once i was reading a book called tuesdays with morry ,it was actually story of life and nature beauty,he learn to appreciate it while old...but i decided to mix it with my feeling,i really love a girl,i got something that i can not tell her, so i decided to express my feeling through this poem,relating with nature beauty which she really like,like mountain and nature scenery ,which i actually want to share wif her ,hope u enjoy it :)

  • ShadowDancer
    18 years ago

    im not writing, but i had to mention my love of Cyreno. i have payed a part in that play, and adored it!


    *sorry for interupting your consert*

  • swill
    18 years ago

    can it be about a movie?

  • PS
    18 years ago

    no i really want it to be a book.

  • Mezmeryz
    18 years ago

    ...:::Bad Boy- Unwanted:::...

    When I was young, life was full of joy.
    My mother told me I was a good little boy.

    When I returned from school, she'd give me a smile,
    And hug and a pat on the head
    Then she'd just hold me for a while
    And I'd holds her too instead.

    But now when I'm older, she throws me around
    She slaps me and beats me and looks with a frown.

    When I return from school, she makes me cook dinner
    Clean up the house and sit starving, in the cellar.
    After clearing the table she tells me I'm a bad boy,
    She sends me out the house.
    Sets the dog on me, it's like cat and mouse.

    I run all I can till I've lost him.
    Right now I've stopped by a graveyard
    Sitting, leaning on a gravestone
    Sweating, despite the cold, and breathing hard.

    Now tears are staining my face,
    I'm crying because I'm a bad boy
    I'm crying because she doesn't care if I don't return home
    She does this every night.
    She sets the dog on me, like
    I'm hunted.
    I'm crying because I'm a bad boy
    I'm crying because I'm unwanted.

    this poem is about a book based on a true story called:
    by david...4gt da secnd name...sori
    its about a boy hu got so badly abused becoz his mum became an alcoholic...n den at da end he was freed atlast.

  • Taylor
    18 years ago


    People ask questions, it's not like I'm taking a life
    I just reach into my drawer and pull out my knife
    It's like all of my problems, they need a remedy
    And when they blade hits my skin, it's serenity
    Not one of my troubles seems to get any harder
    When I push the blade in farther and farther
    Suddenly everything begins to spin all around me
    As I think of all the things I wish I could be
    I try to stay steady, but instead I look my step
    This is my one secret that is better off kept
    I am now in a pile, sprawled across the floor
    I brace and pull up my body using the door
    I hear footsteps coming and put the knife away
    I'll have to save the rest to de on another day
    I look down only to see my battered wrists
    Worse than wounds that can be healed by a kiss
    I can tell that the scars have begun to form
    Yet somehow inside me a new faith is born

    **I was actually inspired to write this after reading a book called "Cut" by Patricia McCormick. I wanted to write from a point of view that was different from what I normally do. It was interesting to see something from a completely different perspective than my own because I don't quite understand why somebody would put themself through such pain. -Taylor

  • PS
    18 years ago

    anyone else????

  • swill
    18 years ago

    Hi sorry for posting so late but I just realized I have a poem about a book. well actually a short story by o henry called the gift of the magi. I loved it so much that I made it into a poem. That’s the inspiration. It is in three parts.


    Once upon an unfortunate Christmas
    Golden love, Jim and Della shared
    But the gods it seemed had hearts of brass
    For they cursed them with poverty…they dared…

    Though they looked akin to trodden sticks
    They were love’s choicest epitome
    The place had love, but barely bricks
    Now is that even a house, spare a home?

    The trembling Della couldn’t believe
    As her white hand clutched her only dollar
    That this dismal day was Christmas Eve
    On the morrow, what would she gift her other?

    A fragment of bleak inhumanity
    Flashed through Jim’s and Della’s eyes
    But even in this place of sad misery
    Shined two proud objects even the gods vied

    The first, Jim’s shining pocket watch
    Worth a few gold bars and blocks
    And just when you might rate it topnotch
    You’d see Della flaunt her silk brown locks

    Had Sheba lived to see this queen’s hair
    Her eyes would burn to a deep green by envy
    And so even the gods came down, just to stare
    At this fragile couple’s pride and glee

    But presently, she held the crumpled note
    Dampened by her tears and anxious sweat
    But who knew that what the jealous gods wrote
    Got worse as the story continued to set…




    On the bed she lay, dressed in flowing red
    But no more in tears or sunken despair
    A notion ignited as she tremulously said
    “Who is worth more, Jim or my hair?”

    The officer whistled, the drivers swore
    As Della crossed the street, air-borne
    Like a gilded bird, she gracefully tore
    And finally perched at the hair salon

    For those of you who might believe
    That her locks held her budding beauty
    Look close; it is the heart of this Eve
    For she smiled, against godly decree

    The brown locks cut, sold, history
    But her pink hands held a twenty dollar bill
    The pink cars once more honked angrily
    As she dashed to the stores, up the rosy hill

    She bought a fob chain, worthy of Jim’s Watch
    Not by money or curls that a silly god vies
    But with a heart of gold that none can botch
    Her love for him, she sung by sacrifice

    As she arrived to the place they called home
    The mirror bared her attempt to fly
    A tear fell upon the dear chain of chrome
    Would he be angry? She began to cry…

    Would she still be beautiful to her Jim?
    Yes, and happy too, when this gift he’ll find!
    The bell rang, as this war raged within
    Oh you gods, show some mercy… be kind!



    As the exhausted Jim closed the door
    A thud was heard as his bony jaw
    Connected with the roughen floor
    He stood, and stared at what he saw

    Della now jumped with false heartiness
    And clung to Jim with movement swift
    Her fearful lips attempted a vain kiss
    As she said that the hair, went for his gift

    Finally poor Jim arose, to unreal reality
    With a pinch on his skin, and a hazy smile
    Open my gift, dear Dell, and you shall see
    Why you really had me going for a while

    Her frisky fingers tore at the wrapped surprise
    But her hopeful smile turned to tears of woe
    For there lay the jeweled combs of turquoise
    She had adored in every Broadway window

    Tears rolled down and clung to her chin
    She habitually flipped the vanished hair
    My hair grow swift, she told her Jim
    Soon these Combs you’ll see me wear!

    She asked for his watch with an honest smile
    And held out her gift, the sparkling fob chain
    Yet, only a lovelier smile her Jim beguiled
    He kissed her gently, and softly explained

    Let’s keep our gifts aside, shall we
    As godly tears rained from heaven above
    I sold the watch to buy your combs, you see
    Isn’t this the stuff that makes up true love?

    Dhaval COPYRIGHT

  • PS
    18 years ago

    as of now simple's poem is disqualified for lack of explanation. that leaves 5. im closing tomorrow. so if no one else does this, im only placing 1st and 2nd. and everyone else will still get one comment.

  • swill
    18 years ago

    may the best person win! ^_^ Dhaval

  • PS
    18 years ago

    holla. ...idk... anyway. its over. ill do stuff.


    1. Dhaval- Gift of love

    2. Taylor- Cut

    tough choice you guys. Great job!

  • swill
    18 years ago

    heyy pooo!!! thanx BUUNCHES!! i get 10 comments? woah. that is so totally cool. i love ya!!!

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    How can I improve my poem?

  • PS
    18 years ago

    hey..your poem wasnt bad at all. i actually really really liked it. its just that the other two were the ones that really made me feel something. its more me than you. ummm i guess one thing would be to explain the nose. i didnt get that. and maybe show how to do those certain things instead of just telling.

  • PS
    18 years ago

    i believe i did the rewards. if i missed one or two do tell.