*Your best quotes*

  • Jessica
    18 years ago


    heyy.. show me your best quotes!

    Rules ::

    - It must be less than 7 lines (hehe.. odd number i know :P)

    - It must be your own work (haha.. kinda obvious!)

    - No more than two quotes per person

    - And you have to rate the one above on a scale of 1-10

    Prizes ::

    - 1st Place: Six comments, Six votes, and a place on my favourites list

    - 2nd Place: Five comments, Five votes

    - 3rd Place: Four comments, Four votes

    - 4th Place: Three comments, Three votes

    - 5th Place: Two comments, Two votes

    - Everyone Else: One comment, one vote

    I will do this for 20 quotes only, so get in fast!
    Luff jessy xox

  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    The darkness suffocates me.
    It haunts my dreams and
    destroys my waking hours.

  • The Angel of Secrets
    18 years ago

    A broken heart continues to beat


  • Synh
    18 years ago

    The worst feeling is loving someone you know does not love you.


  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    18 years ago

    Highschool is a lot like toilet paper. You only miss it when it's gone.


  • ~~Lindsay Woods~~
    18 years ago

    "many people will walk into your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart."

    **i would give the one above me a 6/10**

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago

    You are lonely, because you choose to be. Anyone can find a friend, all it takes is a little effort. You will find someone in the end.

    The above one, 9/10, great job!!!

  • Sean Dohr
    18 years ago


  • Void
    18 years ago

    Elijah, being that you're the one above me...and I absolutely loved that quote, 10/10.

    As for my own quote, I'm not sure which I like most, as I have a few new ones that surprised even me but I'll choose...

    "Though I cannot give him my hand to hold,
    Long ago, I gave him my heart to keep."

  • `~Raw~`Max
    18 years ago

    Darkness is not what you make it, it is there, lingering, always shadowing the past present and future, all one needs to do is simply turn on the lights.
    - Max


  • Daniel Mulvany
    18 years ago

    Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
    Daniel Mulvany


  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    ok you guys, these are all great quotes,

    but if it is not yours do not post it, thnx sluvious for

    pointing that out :) (So I have disqualified

    those quotes that were said not to be

    your own, if you want to add one that

    is yours, just post another)

    jessy xox

    Only ten more quotes!!

    18 years ago

    "Expectations are like a glass of wine-

    If filled upto the brim - it harms you but you are happy.

    If limited to one peg - you are in your senses.

    If silent and empty - you are gained but you are not satisfied."

    For Max- 8/10

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    More than words can say....
    I miss you
    More than words can say....
    I want you here with me
    More than words can say....
    I want you by my side
    More than words can say....
    my heart aches
    More than words can say....



    You say that it is my feelings that you are trying to spare,
    but why? Where my feelings once were, is now empty and bare!~



  • Summer
    18 years ago

    For trisha
    1st quote: 10/10
    2nd quote: 7/10

    My scars only remind me of the times I failed to hurt you like you hurt me

  • J Lau
    18 years ago

    above... 6/10

    It's a shame when you break a heart,
    but it's sad when you fail to realize what you had only after you lost it... forever.

    If life was only fair to begin with, we may never learn to appreciate or treasure things and rather take things for granted.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    Great quotes guys!

    Only four more, so grab a spot! :)

    jessy xox

  • BrokenMisery
    18 years ago


    The figments plague the walls of my mind; clawing with icy breath on my cold, dark heart. Chasing me. Haunting me. My past memory lives in my shadow.


    Dear Diary.... everything went wrong today, because I didn't die...

  • Axle Rose
    18 years ago

    10/10... your brilliant..

    she thought they'd last forever,
    but it wasen't what it seemed.
    as soon as he found out,
    he went as far as he could run,
    she thought she found a [h u s b a n d],
    but instead she found a [s o n]

  • Axle Rose
    18 years ago

    When love is over,
    you feel like you wanna die,
    it's like getting the [w o r s t h a n g o v e r],
    from the [b e s t h i g h]

  • Dean Russell-Rands
    18 years ago

    at the heart of every there's hope that it'll come true

  • Synh
    18 years ago

    Only a human would find it more profitable to hurt one another rather than help.


  • Kaylee
    18 years ago

    7/10 real true

    Liberty from imprisonment, where nameless souls rested

  • Avrii Monrielle
    18 years ago

    mmm... continue?reminds me of a story....
    ok lets see... i rate it... 5/10

    it makes you think... life, liberty...death, freedom...

    If there's one thing in the world that made me know what I was missing in life,
    It was probably when you took a pencil and helped me fill the rest in.

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    ok you guys! got a few more than twenty now!

    so i will start judging as soon as possible!

    jessy xox

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    heyy! ok, here are the results! thanks everyone for your great quotes and i will start commenting ASAP!

    *1st Place* ::

    ©Tisha -

    You say that it is my feelings that you are trying to spare,
    but why? Where my feelings once were, is now empty and bare!~

    *2nd Place* ::

    Bob Shank -

    People will love you, and people will hate you, yet in the end the only opinion about you that matters is your own.....

    *3rd Place* ::

    Shatteredsouls -

    My scars only remind me of the times I failed to hurt you like you hurt me

    *4th Place* ::

    BrokenMisery -

    Dear Diary.... everything went wrong today, because I didn't die...

    *5th Place* ::

    Wax Kalling –

    Highschool is a lot like toilet paper. You only miss it when it's gone.

    I will leave another post here when i am done with each poets comments and votes!
    jessy xox

  • Jessica
    18 years ago

    Mya sorry that you missed the judging, your quote was actually very good and it probably would have been in my top five.. that was just bad timing, very sorry!

    - Tisha you're done! :D (Loved your poems, they were very unique and mostly very sad!)

    - Bob Shank you're all done! (Your poems were hillarious and they brought a smile to my face again and again!)

    - ShatteredSoul you're done! (Very deep poems, the emotion really shined through!)

    - BrokenMisery you're all done! (Your poems were very good, and a few even reminded me of my own writing! lol..)

    - Wax Kalling you're done! (You also have a very unique style, and I could tell this by only reading two of your poems!)

    Everyone else, hopefully I will get them done pretty soon! I'll update you when I have done so! :)

    Okayyy, all done now! Hope everyone enjoyed this contest and thanks for participating!
    Luff you guys lots!
    jessy xox

  • Tisha
    18 years ago

    Thank you so much for picking my quote. Congradulations to everyone you all did an awesome job.