George Bush or John Kerry???

  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    It's the 535 members of the United States Congress. The same group of

    idiots that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep

    the rest of us in line.

  • xX Toxic Cure Xx
    19 years ago

    I dont think Id want either in office....I mean they are both such stupid asses it's not funny. George Bush lies to the American people on a daily basis, and John Kerry changes his decisions all the time just to fit what other people think. But, if it came down to it I think we need Kerry in office. I dont want to end up in the ghetto anytime soon, sorry Bush.

  • Dawn Manna
    19 years ago

    i think abortion is so wrong and i dont know why anyone would even consider it an option. i know people who were raped think that if they would have gotten preg, they would have wanted the option of abortion, but i also was raped and i was preg ( i lost the baby) but i would have never wanted an abortion!!! EVER!!!!


  • Dawn Manna
    19 years ago

    i think abortion is so wrong and i dont know why anyone would even consider it an option. i know people who were raped think that if they would have gotten preg, they would have wanted the option of abortion, but i also was raped and i was preg ( i lost the baby) but i would have never wanted an abortion!!! EVER!!!!


  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Yo dawn, it's not about the issue of abortion as such. It's about the freedom to choose, Kerry would give women more freedom, Bush would take that away like the jolly little fundamentalist christian that he is.

  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    I dont think the debates really helped any. Bush isn't a good public speaker. You can't vote on the one who speaks better. You vote for the one who sees better. You have to vote on the one with better views.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    * Bush gets elected 4 years ago and is taken into a dark smokey room. He is sat down in front of a large projector screen and in walk the 12 capatalist scumbags who got him in there.

    "Roll the film" one of them says.

    A film begins showing the assasination of John F Kennedy from an unusual angle that looks suspiciously like it's shot from the grassy knowl. The film ends and the man in the corner says:

    "Any questions?"

    Bush squirms

    "Only what my agenda is"

    "First we invade Iraq" says the man

    "You got it" replies Bush.

    Thats exactly how it happened.

    Bill Hicks.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    " .... and Elvis has just left the building."

  • Randy Lee
    19 years ago

    OMG if you think watching the movie (lets face it fiction is fiction) farenheit 9/11 makes you a better informed citizen than someone that watches news, reads news, and even lives the news, then all all I can do is laugh.

    Kerry says he wants the the world to back us... I would like to know just who in the world, other than a very few countries has the best interest of the US in mind. How many times has the US gone to disaster stricken countries, be they man made or natural disasters, and helped to rebuild them. In the past couple of months Florida has been devistated by 3 hurricanes. What country in the world has come to offer aid?

    Chloe, all I can say to you is. Get a clue.

    I will vote republican, just as I have for 19 years.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Actually Randy, i would say that watching farenheit 9/11 would inform you of the facts better than watching the news, because lets face it, the news ain't the real news anymore. It's become a tool used by those in power to put across their version of how they would like us to see the world, which is a warped ultra violent globe of terror and death.

    Micheal Moore's films are sensationalist, and i question his editing skills sometimes, but if you think you are informed of the truth of any situation because you watch the news...then you are being fooled my friend. The media, and i'm talking virtually all TV and newspapers here, are controlled by a very small number of people, most of whom have strong political affiliations which filter the truth of any related situation to their liking.

    I'd urge you to take a long hard look at the disgusting poverty and hypocritical political violations Bush has made in the name of your fine country and vote him out.

  • Randy Lee
    19 years ago

    Well Kevin, I beg to dissagree, LOL. Everyone knows news is slanted toward whomever is writing, be it a converative or liberal publication. The key is to read as much, from as many sources as possible. Then filter through and make your own determinations. The world is a big bad place. History is filled with both evil people and the people that have gathered together to oppose them. I do not believe in Isolationism. though the US has the resourses and the power to survive on its own I do not beleive that we should sit idoly by and watch atrocaties on any of mankind.

    Now, disgusting poverty and hypocritical political violations? Just what are you referring too? that statemenat is so ambiguous, I have no clue as to what you are talking about. Maybe you are referring to the infrustructer, ie: roads, schools, electricty, water supplies, etc, etc, etc, that both England and the US are providing the people of Iraq, as insurgents ( many of whom are not even from Iraq) are kidnapping and murdering the very civil engineers that are there to help. Maybe you are speaking about the millions and millions of US dollars being sent to the Caribean to rebuild our poverty stricken neighbors in their time of need after this horrible storm season we have just survived. Some choices are simple some are very difficult, I do not beleive Kerry can even cover the simple choices.

    I hope that I do not sound angry, and I certainly do not mean to be a self righteous american. I simply think you are watching and reading only one news publication.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    Interesting that I'm hearing that if you follow mainstream news you must be misinformed. But if you depend exclusively on hysteria and hit pieces from Michael Moore and company you are thereby well informed.

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Ok Randy...i'm talking about America disrespecting the wishes of the UN to not invade Iraq after France veto'd the vote...i'm talking about America not paying it's UN contributions in years....i'm talking about the American president lying about Hussein having weapons of mass destruction, or even the capability to make them....hell, it's thats the case then why aren't you guys attacking Korea?...huh?...and how can anyone say having WOMD is wrong when they have themselves a whole selection, and lets not forget, where the first country to create and use them twice on a proportionatly defenceless country..Hiroshima anyone?'s the same lies over and over again...and once again you guys are falling for it. George bush parading around the country preaching about how we all still live in a dangerous world....yeah thanks to you and your predecessors you scumbag!!!....

    Oh yeah and as for the you happen to know how many people are living under the poverty line in your country?...these same people who are even as we speak being denied the chance to vote Bush out because many of them do not have passports of driving licences, and in states and suburbs where the general voting has been democractic in the past, IE against bush...these are the only ID's being accepted at the polling you know who sanctioned this violation of rights?...Bush and his administration...strange that eh? areas where there was a small chance of him winning...he stops most of the population...the poor ethic minorities many...from voting.

    Need i go on?

  • Chloe
    19 years ago

    Randy, I do have a clue, but you obviously don't.

  • Randy Lee
    19 years ago

    OMG this sooo funny. Give me 3 years worth of film on anyone you want to film. Give me a good editor and he can make that person say pretty much anything you want him to, all completely out of text. As for spending money helping other countries, tell me who spends more than america, If there are, my hat is off to them for their extraordinary philanthropy. Any citizen of the United States being supressed from voting is just plain laughable (ok felony conviction removes your right to vote, and maybe those are the people you are talking about) Now dont get me wrong, you are every bit entitled to your oppinion, but if I were you, I would check my sources a little better. You can ask Dan Rather about that.

  • ryan maxwell
    19 years ago

    WOot for bush.....

  • Kevin
    19 years ago

    Ok don't want to discuss the facts i presented in my last post about the UN violations and the poverty...and no the people who are being denied the chance to vote are not criminals...just poor people who statistically won't vote for Bush and now don't even have the chance to vote at all.

    I have nothing more to say to any of you on this. Go vote for Bush, it will end in riots i swear, except this time he won't be able to escape in his car last last time.

  • Chloe
    19 years ago

    If Bush wins you can just say bye bye to peace.

  • Lydia O
    19 years ago

    People, please! Abortion is NOT an issue in this election. This was an issue that was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1973. Since then the decision has withstood 4 U.S presidents who were anti-abortion, 1 who was pro-abortion and 1 who was neutral. This ruling is is just not going to be reversed no matter which candidate gets elected.

  • Rachael/7MidniteTears
    19 years ago


  • !*!Zoe!*!
    19 years ago

    What's wrong with gay marriages??? Oh, and another thing, by making gay/lesbian marriages legal less babies will die, because homosexuals adop genrally, so then all the poor starving beaten babies will have a home...

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    i used to think i'm 100% for kerry because of the war in iraq and the people there dying. but then i thought... "it has to happen to A president, right?" it's just his luck it happened to him and he was the one who had to make the decision. i still have a lot of what-if's in my mind about the decisions he made that we criticize. i'm still slightly on kerry's side... but then again it wouldn't matter until 5 years from now.

  • StarGirl
    19 years ago


  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    I think that Bush handled the war in the same manner than any president in his position would have. When four of your planes are taken and crashed into your greatest buildings....what are you supposed to do?!?! Sit there, do nothing? Ask them politely not to do it again?! NO!! Bush acted in a way that he found suitable. And to pull out now would be worthless. We havent spent the past three years across sees to pull out now. If we bring out troops home now, then everything we went over there for was for nothing. Everyone has their own opinions, and i do not look down on anyone for their vote...i am greatful that so many have strong opinions. I, however, will be voting for Bush tomorrow. I believe strongly in his ways and support him.



  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    ok...and? All i'm saying is that i support the way that our president has handled the situations that have come forth to him. We also have to keep in mind that there are other things at hand. You cant go by abortion. Bush doesn't suppord abortion, Kerry does. I dont support it, but i'm not voting for Bush because of that, and besides, if Bush was going to do something about it...he would have already...he's not going to. We cant vote for our president because of one or two things. We have to look at how he is as a whole. Everyone is focusing solely on the war and on abortion. Aren't there other factors to look at? Take social security for example...."In the third presidential debate, Bush described his proposal for voluntary personal retirement accounts that would partially replace Social Security for younger workers. Kerry described that idea as “an invitation to disaster” and has said he will never support a plan that would allow Social Security funding to be diverted into the stock market." According to Kerry, Bush is going to cut back social security SOOO much, however "Kerry’s implication that senior citizens will see their benefits cut is misleading. Bush has promised to leave benefits unchanged for workers who are retired or near retirement."

    "Kerry would restore the federal estate tax but with new, higher exemptions of $2 million for an individual and $10 million for a family-owned business or farm. Bush would permanently eliminate what he and other conservatives call the “death tax.”"

    And yes, the federal budget has gone from a record $236 billion surplus in 2000 to a record $413 billion deficit in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30....But hello......September 11 took alot of that money. Cleaning up the area...increasing homeland security. Of course it is a record. Nothing has ever happened like this before.

    I'm not trying to change anyones vote. I am merely trying to give another view. Voting is tomorrow. I will be voting for Bush. Not just because of the war, and abortion, but for many more reasons. I encourage everyone to look into other directions.



  • Gracie Jo
    19 years ago

    Well I hope all that are elgible to vote go and vote today!!!!!!!!

    Let's be smart about our choice people.. *cough*Bush*cough.


  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    I voted for Bush on my way to work this morning. There are 7 of us. 4-Bush, 3-Kerry. That let's everyone know how close this race is going to be. I only hope that no matter who wins....We become a stronger nation.


  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    we had a chance to vote in school last week (not real of course!) the results came out 62% Kerry. my teacher just didn't say the other results...

  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    I hope that everyone looks at our presidential elections differently after this year. But just remember. It's easy to complain about how things are being done...but when you are in their's harder than you think. Bush has done the best that he can.

    May the best man win!


  • Gracie Jo
    19 years ago

    I completely agree with you Christina! I love your positive outlook on the whole situation! =)

  • vanessarrr
    19 years ago

    Bush is winning so far...

  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago

    Anyone else getting nervous?

  • Kris Lynn
    19 years ago



  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    bush has done the best he can to launder money, to be a pompus Jerk (wish i could use anohter word). I really hope when Ohio's votes come in it goes to Kerry.

  • Andrea
    19 years ago

    Bush won....yup....okays.....he won

  • Jacki
    19 years ago

    oh god now we are doomed........

  • marilyn marti
    19 years ago

    BUSH SUCKS!!!!-EVEN IF HE WON HE DIDNT DESERVE IT!!-millions of people have lost their jobs-innocent women, men, children are dying-Bush got Saddam Hussein but saddam hussein didnt do nothing to us-he was supposed to get Osama-and-why is he gonna fight terrorism overseas when we got terrorists here in America-WE are the terrorists-we kill our own kind-what kind of people are we?-my dad or should i say my family cant afford to buy a house in chicago so we are forced to move out of the city we love-the world shouldnt be like this-another thing is that bush was such a chicken to go to war when he was young but yeah he has NOOOOO problem about sending men/women to Iraq?-what kind of president is that?-have all of you seen Farenheit 911?-that movie is soooooooooooo true-what about Bowling for Columbine??-BUSH BUSH BUSH is the cause of so many probs-by the end of his term we're gonna have World War 3!!-IM SORRY BUT BUSH IS NOT A TRUTHFUL PRESIDENT- he lied to us people-dont you see-they fill us with so much crap and we are the stupid ones that believe them!-we live in this country and we cannot be blind-ladies, now he wanted to make a law that females cannot have an abortion???-what now hes gonna tell us what not to do or what to do?-i thought this was a free country-KERRY STILL RULES-i bet bush is out "hunting" right now or playing golf since he doesnt know how to do anything else-whew-well i would definately choose Kerry-4 more years of him?-man oh man.take care all-God Bless Us All. :)

  • marilyn marti
    19 years ago

    yeah which is a shame and he still sucks and still didnt deserve to win- :/