Typical Teenagers?

  • Ashlee Nicole
    19 years ago

    Do you remember hwo you were when you were like 15 or 16? Tell...

  • Just Ariel
    19 years ago

    what about the people that are younger.....

  • miss scooby
    19 years ago

    Hmmmm, i am 17 now. But i remember when i was 12-15 ahaha I was a total sh*t disturber i aint gonna lie,I was the only girl around my area what people i didn't know knew me....Some of the things i did boy, I lit our welcome into the city sign on fire more then once, I put grease on the basketball hoops so when the jocks would dunk it they would fall, I was a horrible, evil little person. But when i was 14 i started learning things the HARD WAY getting in trouble with the law, and i had a life chaning experience that changed my perspective on life....i went from a total bad a**....to a complete book worm...and you know what i wouldn't change who i am now!.
    take care

  • shannon
    19 years ago

    i dont think that anyone truely knows who they are until they take the time out to find themself

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Pregnant! LoL Gees about to become a mother for the first time - scary thought - but still so prepared and organised...I think due to my pregnancy I grew up fairly quickly and got on with life really - I didn't exactly have a choice!

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Both years I will remember because when I was 15 I met my partner :) (we're still together.) But when I was 16 my brother died, that wasn't a good year for me, but I did also find poetry that year.
    Younger than 15 I can't remember and really I don't want to because I were just a goof really. I'm just glad to be the age I am now...

  • Nikki
    19 years ago

    I am 15 and Im exactly what alot of people where... the scary reality being that includes things like drugs, abuse, alcohol, and suicide... All the things that make life full of life changing experiences... and Im not going to move on too quick... I mean I dont waant to just look back on these days and be glad there over.. i want to really think about them and change my future... and my children if i have them... No one should live like this... problem being EVERYONE pretty much does in their own ways....

  • Sad_Little_Kitty_Kat
    19 years ago

    lol im only 14:P

  • Emilia
    19 years ago

    yes I remember I'm 16.

  • ♥x__Pwincess danii//
    19 years ago

    i am 13 so ill tell you later on if i remeber

  • Erica Brown©
    19 years ago

    Lets see, 15.. I was a drama queen hahaha I remember I would always sneak out whenever I got grounded to go get drunk with my 19 year old boyfriend.. Then when I was 16 and I got my license.. I would never go home. I was always out doing crap. But don't get me wrong.. I still did all that homework.. I was smart and yet very dumb. Kids.. don't do anything stupid like I did. Drugs and alcohol are bad :P how many times have you heard that? hahah well.. hope ya learned something.

  • AGirlWorthFightingFor
    19 years ago

    I didn't have a car, so I remained pretty sheltered. and I was fat, but nice, so I had lots of friends, but never any boyfriends. I was smart and smark alike, got straight A's when i was 15, freshman year, but then I moved. 16, I was the big city girl in the small town, so I lorded that notoriety. still do sometimes. and with each new friend, another grade lowered in my math grades. I didn't go through any sort of "bad girl" phase until i lost weight and went to college.
    I didn't know who I was as a teenager, because as a teenager, knowing myself didn't seem all that important to me. I was more interested in knowing everything else and everyone else. Oh, and what happened last on Buffy.

  • ¤©h€€®ƒüll¥♥©¥ñ!c@l¤
    19 years ago

    like many others have said, i'm only 13, so I can't help you there... =[ good luck finding what you need!
    -Cheerfully Cynical

  • Jackie Bilson
    19 years ago

    I am 15 now, and I'm almost 16.

    Ok, I don't do drugs, I don't smoke and I'm a virgin. So I'm not "cool". But, the cliche or stereotype of what a 15-16 year old girl is like is pretty much true for me. I mean, i get upset about stupid things, spending timw with my family bugs me, i cry randomly, i believe that I have been in love, i feel pressure to have sex, do drugs but I don't...and deep down I guess I just wanna fit in but I hate a lot of things and a lot of people. And I think school sucks. But I'd rather go there everyday than stay at home.

  • SweetDreamer
    19 years ago

    I'm only 14, soon to be 15, right now. but I think I'll probably remember what I was basically like when I was this age when I'm older. but I can't really say that until I actually am older, lol, oh well.:S.


  • Lostraindrops
    19 years ago

    same as rainbowrachel

  • Eibutsina
    19 years ago

    Oh dear I could tell you but would you want to hear it LoL :o)