Which one of your poems is you fave?

  • xx Danii xx
    16 years ago

    Mine would have to be either 21st century girl or one of my new ones which is called broken life.

    Love Danii

  • Viola
    16 years ago

    I really couldn't tell you. I think each of my poems holds a special meaning to me..Ofcourse there are some that written better than others but that doesn't make me like them more..

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    If I think I've already written my favorite poem, then obviously I'm not going to get any better.

    I rather think it's still to be written =]

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    Young crusader..well i really don't know

  • Dan
    16 years ago

    Any about katie, Explicit ones were the peoples fav until i had to delete them. But anyway look at em and u tell me =P

  • Adelle
    16 years ago

    My favorite poem would have to be dreams of my Paradise for some reason my latest poems see to have lacked any real stauncher and emotion I think I have been concentrating on making them better to much and there getting worse so from now on I’m just going to let it flow.

  • Romancing the Darker Side
    16 years ago

    Sin-Shine is mine, just because it's so unique and I lvoe the metaphors I was able to pull out of a typo of Sunshine. (See, not all typos are bad!) :)

  • DarkMurderr
    16 years ago

    I think: What do you know about your daughter?
    Actually I don't like my poems.. but if I have to choose ..

  • Alex D
    16 years ago

    Any of my featured, because that's why their featured :P

  • Bre Monique
    16 years ago

    My favorite poem I wrote is called Last Night's Dream [ it's one of my featured poems ] It was the first poem I ever wrote and every time I read it I still feel the same emotion I felt the moment I put those words on paper.