I'm going to explode because of lack of Inspiration!!

  • Yuna
    16 years ago

    That's right! I have had writers block since May and I don't know what to do. I have an idea, but I can't write the poem! What do you guys do?? I need help badly, and I must write a new poem soon, or I will explode! Kaboom! So please if anyone has ideas, please tell me!! Thanks!

  • Veamm
    16 years ago

    Try to have good time..

    16 years ago

    The best thing is never dwell on looking for inspiration. When I need inspiration I just write daff silly things like the recent poem I just put up. Called "It funny old world" Line like Elephant driving a taxi cab. Also just writing about objects in front of you like a pen. Write a description of the texture the colour and so fourth to work through the writer block if that helps. In a magazine I get it says just write through writer block and don't worry about the content. Best thing is to have fun. :)

  • mohamed
    16 years ago

    If u want inspiration then love a girl truly... and wait and see for a while..

  • Katrina
    16 years ago

    Jsut write write what you can and it will help!