Some Questions...for everyone BUT the Mods.

  • limp
    16 years ago

    Even the mention of "Ken" makes me feel sick.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Ken and Kevin suspended each other.

    Bob and Sunny suspended themselves (I believe, I know Bob did anyway)

    For the record, we can't delete each other's posts. Nor can we delete a thread that was made by a mod. We can, however, edit each other's posts.

    I'm not sure about penalties. I've never tried it... what ya say, Britt? Want me to test it out??? :)

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    Oh, I bet those red letters are empowering. I think club owners should get some red letters too!

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    Yes, I know that is something that Janis was going to work on (someday...) giving club managers SOME kind of ability to do their own forum clean up.

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    That'd be splendid, my sweet, splendid.

  • Kevin
    16 years ago

    Ha, I believe I was the only Mod to have given another Mod a penalty point, ever...maybe I am wrong on this but I doubt it...Mods politely warn each other first, which is very nice of them.

    I know Mods have given penalties to people who have later become Mods, like Britt...but it's not the same.

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    All these rules, treaties, and agreements have one thing in common. they are all as powerful as the force behind them.

    this force can be used rightly or wrongly. i do admit i have been wronged before and i have unsuccessfully stood up to certain mobs but until i or we get an edge we are at their mercy

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    Maybe the mods SHOULD or ARE obscolette

    no free voice, privacy inspected, unfair rulings

    a democracy can trample a person's rite just as well as a dictatorship

    what people don't get on here is we have no "rites" it's either like it, lump it, or lose it

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    We, the mods, are not here to make life horrid for anyone.

    I am here to help ensure this site remains respectable and family oriented. Being a mother myself I can see the importance that there is to moderate any public forum.

    We do not say oh here is someone that I can pick on today. That is not what we are about or how we work.

    Frankly, I believe that this whole ordeal has been blown way out of porportion and everyone needs to step back and realize what they are asking.

    Everyone is screaming for freedom of speech; yet, when that is granted it is abused to such a point that we, or at least I, start recieving more complaints than the individual PM system can hold.

    You want warnings before you are penalized, but everyone fails to realize that you were already given multiple warnings; the first warning was when you created your account.

    You want us to edit your post instead of delete and penalize. Well, I hate to break this to you, but I am not your english instructer and if a post needs deleted instead of editing then I will delete.

    What if Janis allowed the mods to be able to edit and penalize at the same time? Then we could edit out the portion of your post that warrented a peanalty to begin with and still give those points that are deserved. Oh, wait, that would not work either because everyone would be upset that their privacy was violated.

    Is the current system perfect? No, of course not. Is there room for improvement? In every aspect of life there is always room for improvement. Are mistakes made by the mods? Yes, we are only human.

    There are many poetry sites on line. Some of them are better then this one and some are worse. I am assuming that this site must not be so hoorible since our membership continues to grow and more members stay instead of finding a new site, including all those complaining.

    This site is like a family in many areas. You have your parents (Janis and Dianz), then the babysitters (the mods), so to say, followed by the members who have ALL been informed of the rules.

    Not knowing a rule or breaking a rule is not the mods fault. We have done everything logical to make sure you know the rules. Not knowing the law in criminal court is no excuse and the judge will still fine you guilty and sentence you in some order.

    It is often said to be careful what you wish for. Once you get your wish you may realize that things were better off before hand and regret ever embarking upon such changes to begin with.


  • Kevin
    16 years ago

    Ugh, we are going round in circles here, back to square one.

    Sherry, is there really any reason to discredit an idea designed to give everyone the benifit of the doubt in regards upsetting someone, perhaps accidently by saying that just because we read and agreed to the rules when we sign up we should then never do or say anything after that that may cause you know how ridiculous and unreasonable that is?

    Mods overreact the same as everyone else, mods make mistakes, Mods get angry. Right now a Mod can overreact to a challenge or careless insinuation and delete that persons post with a penalty and it's ok for them to do that because there is no 3 strikes and you're out..nothing...just blunt Mod justice as they see fit.

    Judge Dredd style you know...and it really sucks and I'm getting sick of having some of you give really outlandish examples of why things should stay the Bob saying the rules should not change because sometimes people are rascist and they need to be deleted straight away. Blanket rules that are easy for Mods but bad for everyone else....people who might want to challenge conventional thinking and maybe even, shock horror, say something less than complimentary about a Moderator.

    And for the last time, I was a Mod and I worked as hard as any of you, and I went further than any of you to improve this site so don't talk to me like I don't know what your job entails...I know and I still think you all need to drop the defences and look at this from our point of view...maybe you have forgotten what it means to be a simple website user.

    In any case I really thought for a second you were at least trying to meet us in the middle, now I don't think so.

    Like I said, nothing will change unless you Mods get behind it and I don't see that happening.

    I'm starting to think I should take Dainz up on his offer of reinstating my Mod status....then at least I'd be able to show by example my ideas and we'd just see how the old way compared to the new....

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    I have not in any way discredited an idea in my last post. I am merely speaking for myself.

    The main complaint I have seen is that you, and others, recieved a penalty without warning.

    Babe, you know as well as I do that every member here has had more than one warning. The had a warning when they made thier account ... They have seen others publicly warned... they have seen others recieve a penalty...

    Everyone here knows that it is possible and likely to be reprimanded some how if they break a rule. I do not agree that we should warn each person every so often.

    Did I say your ideas do not hold merit? No, I did not. Did I say that we do not need to improve on anything? No, I did not.

    Babe, you told another member to read everything before they wrote out their two cents... Now I am asking that you go back and read what I posted instead of jumping the gun.

    Most of the changes that you are pushing for is just not reasonable at this moment.

    You keep stating that you were a mod.. Yes, Kevin, we all know this. But now you are a member and we are trying to do the best we can.

    If you do not feel that our best is good enough then by all means complain, but do it properly.

  • Kevin
    16 years ago

    Ugh I say...Ugh..

    Where is my sense of humour? I used to have a playful way of explaining things to people that belied how serious i was about any given subject.

    Now I'm in Uber lawyer mode and it's getting me nowhere, fast.

    Perhaps I should add up all the people who agree with the ideas and all those who don't...just for a laugh....and maybe I should be a Mod again...just for giggles and because I want to edit Abby's posts in a very charming pro me way.

    Sherry, I like you alot and I'm sure if we were sitting in a pub talking about this stuff the heartless nature of text communication would fall away and we'd have an elite foolproof set of rules in 5 minutes.

    Don't relax though...I'm only being charming as a lure yeah?

    No really I'm funny's all a joke..har har.

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    Now, Kevin, why would you want to be a moderator once again? That would make you one of us, and if I am reading everything correctly we are the "bad" guys on the site....

    Do you really want that?

  • Kevin
    16 years ago

    Ah Sherry, if this was all as simple as you all being Bad guys, like mutant robots I'd just start a petition and churn up and use every incriminating Pm, Mod discussion link and post I'd seen and saved [cause the damn things take too long to delete one by one and I have hundreds of them!] as a Mod and use those to have you all thrown in P and Q jail.

    [joke!....just in case...i save nothing...not even trees..]

    Fortunately there are no black and white heroes and villians, even though the rules at the moment are not coloured in if you catch my drift.

    As a Mod I would be able to show by example why I think my system is better than the one in place now. As a website user all I can do is say it will work, you are the ones who would have to try it...and you won't if anything you've said so far is any indication.

    Besides when I left I honestly thought there was nothing much else to improve on the site. It was only after becoming a regular user and feeling what it is actually like for many people to interact with mods and exist within the rules when things are less than perfect, that I realized there is still work to be done.

    And Dainz, bless his cotton socks was ever so positive about my contributions as a Mod and he said if I ever want to go back, I only have to ask. How nice of him eh?

    I wonder, how would you all feel to have me back?....would it be like walking into a country pub in a shellshuit...the record scratches and everyone stops talking....

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    So am I to believe that the many battles that has taken place, both now and when you were a mod, has not discouraged you from moderating one bit?

    Just think, Kev., I am the one who does not have a backbone and I wimper at everything. I cannot even stand on my own two feet lol....

    I am a push over....

    Haven't you figures that out yet?

    Ok, now that I have filled this screen full of poo ...

    Truth is that you did bring in entertainment and it has not changed one bit even though you stepped down.

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    No one is listening to me. i said we basically have no rights and then i'm scolded by someone saying pretty much the exact same thing

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago


    You do have rights, and so does everyone else here.

    1. You have the right to breath and write poetry

    2. You have the right to be treated with respect

    3. You have the right to treat others with respect

    4. You have the right to express your thoughts and views in an artistic form, as long as it is done with respect

    5. You have the right to log on without fear of harrassment, rascim, abuse, and scam

    6. You have the right to use your mind and think clearly and logically

    7. You have the right to learn and master new poetry styles

    8. You have the right to log on to this site when it is convienant for you instead of during "normal" business hours of operation.

    9. You have the right to discuss to properly make a complaint with/against another member or moderator

    10. You have the right to take your complaint to admin if you feel there is no resolution with a moderator

    11. You have a right to copy off all the rules and regulations and post them on your computer so you do not forget them

    These are some rights that ever member has. There are many more, but frankly I do not feel like typing every person's right to rights out. Use common sense and think logically.


  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    Well is there a right not to be under the scrutiny of certain mods every time i speak?

    i wonder is bob shank always this agressive or did he forget to take his meds? it's in a way funny and in a way annoying as all get out

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    I do not see that you are under scrutiny of mods everytime you speak.

    In a sense you have more rights than any mod on this site.

    Shall I start asking about our rights? Where is our right to monitor this site without being attacked, critisized, threatned, bashed, yelled at, and everything else?

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    At the same time it is considered unbecoming to attack a mod and i have been atacked plenty

    you have to understand my position. i don't wish to topple the foundations of this site or anything but i see certain mods that i think could do better, should do better, or at least should restrain themselves

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    I already did and no one did anything because it wasn't a "direct" attack

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    No one supported me, therefore i figured supporting myself as i have always done the smart choice

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    I did, no one was bold.

    maybe i'm too power hungry, maybe i'm too forceful, maybe i am obnoxious and disliked. or maybe I need to be the guiding light instead of others, maybe i shouldn't have expected so much from everone else.

    but oh well too late now. besides there was no one truly like me.

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    Your every word is offensive. all you do is scrutinize and until now i am one of the only people to stand up to you

  • Independence Forever
    16 years ago

    Fine fine, just because you were nice about it