Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

by KeyxMashingxParody   Mar 27, 2009

If I had a dollar,
And you had only change.
You would still have more then me,
For that's how this country reigns.

Your money is your voice,
Your pedestal is your mind.
Your head is in the clouds,
Peace we'll never find.

While you are off being pampered,
Your country suffers in debt.
Are you enjoying your drink?
I haven't paid for it, yet.

Each and every word you speak,
Is a lie within its own letters.
The bills and papers you sign each day,
Are the bills that bind our fetters.

You work this ironic country,
Into believing we have our way.
You say you'll come when people call,
Yet we've been screaming for days.

You're a walking hypocritical mass,
Covered in propaganda and spite.
This war that is raging over seas,
Forces most to believe you're right.

I will never bow down to your 'throne',
I only spit in its direction.
You see me standing here before you,
Yet you're drowning in the lie's complexion.

If I had a dollar,
And you had only change.
You would still have more then me,
For that's how this country reigns.

-Elizabeth Harris-


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  • 15 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Stumbled across your poems and am amazed the thoughts you are writing down and feelings you are able to pen so perfectly.
    I think you may have meant reigns not reins but thats okay too. Excellent job dear. But I don't understand why most of your poetry is going into explicit. Would it only accept it that way. I have read some really great stuff of yours that would just classify as life and not explicit. I absolutely love your stance on most of it. I am going to keep reading and hope you keep writing.
    Take Care,

  • 15 years ago

    by Good Enough

    I hate how this country is always looking at how much money you have and thts not power. i hate money. 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Lethmelodis

    Kickass stuff about a topic I also feel pretty strongly about ^_^.

    Strong rhyme choice, great flow, and I love the chorus (I'm assuming its a chorus). Inspires me to finish the little write I scrapped the other day about the Bailout bs thats been going on. (It wasn't as good as this though, hence why I scrapped it lol).

    Great job.

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Wow really strong poem. i lved it. great flow, beautiful diction, simple syntax. Keep it up. Shanik