But Somehow

by KemistryKia   Jan 30, 2011

If this is the feeling
that make people run to Vegas
then i guess
this is nothing
not strange to us
we gave up on trust
but somehow
the you
became me
and the i
certainly is we
so we
do everything
that we didn't believe
he had a cheater
i loved a beater
but somehow
we are headed in the future
fighting the past
and embracing present roles
this something WE can get used to
getting used to
saying i love you
without hesitation
sex with anticipation
ejaculating souls
and climaxing on time
tasting each others minds
blending intimacy
with reality
but somehow
reaching galaxies in forms
of goals
if there is an end
please dont
bother letting it be told
because we plan to be old together
rotting paths
riding chariots
& walking in to the gates
hand and hand
i said if this is the feeling
that make people run to Vegas
than make Nevada
our home


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