Favorite Poems of Kenny

  • As the devils fly (9)

    by Finalgravedigger

    I'm breaking and shaking
    I see darkness in the making...

  • A Poet To His Beloved (11)

    by Twisted Heart

    Befall thy love my sweet embrace
    Upon this night thy truth be told...

  • As Soldiers Went Home (26) 2 WIN

    by Fr0g PrincE

    Staring at the river of my vanishing reflection,
    The star's countless wishes, my innocence...

  • Ending Her Cries (158) 2

    by Tyler

    I looked into her eyes
    I got lost in their depth...

  • Table For One. (8) 1

    by Jenni Marie

    We were only four yet there were
    places for six-but it never seemed empty...