Love after or before sex??

  • CryingHeart
    11 years ago

    Is it true love only happens after sex??

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    Im sorry, and this is in no way disrespect towards you.

    but that is the single biggest load of shite ive ever heard lol.

  • Liquid Grace
    11 years ago

    Love and sex are two different entities... (in my opinion)

    Now 'making love' is a different story.

    Love isn't born out of sex. If that was true what does that say about all the people who have one night stands?

    To love someone is to know them not necessarily in a intimate(physical way) but to know them personally, their traits, their mannerism, how they treat you, make you feel. Having sex doesn't tell you his favorite color, his hobbies, how truthful and respectful he is, his inner most life desires. How he laughs, how he smiles, how he treats others (your friends and family). Love to me involves so many other attributes that aren't tied into sex, or even a kiss. More in the warmth of a hug, how is thumb caresses the back of your hand. Just so much (at least to me) that ties into love.

    I only ever was intimate in this way after I had fallen in love. I equated love to actually come before making love. I couldn't ever give myself without it. I couldn't just have sex... it had to have meaning and far more intimacy then 'sex'.

  • Crimson
    11 years ago

    Ok i might not no much about this since im only 13 but i feel as though im pretty close to loving my boyfriend and i think that sex should have no effect on a relationship unless you have a baby then yea i mean if you love him then having sex should just be having sex and if you dont love them and you have sex and feel something like a spark after then well done you just found a f*ck buddy

  • CryingHeart
    11 years ago

    Oki c its nt about wht i like i am asking it cause im confused and maybe i don c anythng that isnt a part of love sex is the part of the process

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I've regrettably had one night stands with old friends but I don't love them. Never have, actually haven't talked to them since. You can have sex without love, but you shouldn't.

    Having sex with someone gives away a part of you to that person, a part you never get back. Sometimes it's not always bad, but wouldn't it be better to wait for the right person? I now wish I would've waited until marriage, and I know a lot of people who feel the same way.

  • Amy
    11 years ago

    Sex doesn't prove love... Love comes from your heart not what u do to show it

  • Lofallenve
    11 years ago

    "I've loved the same girl for the last 11 years, before sex even entered the equasion we'd built a connection even married couples fail to grasp, so in answer to your question, no lol.

    And for the young girls out there who maybe dating, if a guy says to you if you love me then show it by having sex, just walk away."

    ^^ I'm in agreement with what is said there.

  • Paul Gondwe
    11 years ago

    In no way is love connected with sex. They are too different things all together but love conquers all. I went out with my girlfriend for a yr before the sex part and it was love hen as it is now, i just think sex adds to the passion.

  • Kayla Sonya Dearing
    11 years ago

    You can easily get fooled with love and lust. But lust doesn't overcome the battles that love can overcome.

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    Lust is every 12 13 or 14 year old etc that swears they're in love with someone they been with for a matter of weeks or months, and frankly its annoying as hell, I have a neice who's 12 and a cousin who's 12, they throw that word around like they're a veteran of love whos been heartbroken more times than us adults. the trouble with todays youth, they are gonna grow up not ever knowing what love is, all because they cant distinguish the difference between lust and love.

    the word love should be banned for any young teenager lol

  • Thomas
    11 years ago

    Love should come before sex.
    Sex is merely physical and will not stand the test of time.
    Love on the other is mental and can stand the test of time.

    Sex complements love because a healthy relationship has a physical aspect.
    But never believe that you need to have sex before you have love.

  • Scarlet Letter
    11 years ago

    Sex after marriage people seriously its just gross to have it before you love someone!!!!!

  • kristen
    11 years ago

    Love and sex shouldn't-in my opinion- even be placed on the same level. Love is two people being so emotionally connected that they become one. You love someone for their soul. You look into their eyes and see straight into their heart. You can't imagine ever being without them.

    Sex, on the other hand, has many purposes. As far as relationships go, I believe that sex is something that happens BECAUSE you are in love. if you engage in it too soon in a relationship, it can cause so many confusing emotions and false feelings.

    That being said, there is also sex that is simply just sex. I mean let's face it, sometimes you just want to have amazing hot passionate sex......and then leave and go on with your day, no strings attached.

    and there you have it.

  • average thoughts
    11 years ago

    Love is incomplete widout sex..
    U lv smone ,fullfil evry to please d soul, sex is imp.
    This is one of d rsn behind divorce d end, wat counts ,how gud u r in bed?

  • The Poet Behind The Poems
    11 years ago

    Love is the person the compatabilty
    The one person you would die for and noone else

    In my opinion there is two types of intercourse

    Sex and making love

    One with passion the other means nothing
    That's how I see it

  • Autuumnbree
    11 years ago

    Sex doesn't equal love and being physically involve with someone who don't give a blank about you can be damaging to you emotionally, physically and mentally.

    I don't care about those who consider me to be stupid for the way I feel this is only their opinion of and this mines sex should only take place if there's two people that genuinely care about each other.

  • Dark Savior
    11 years ago

    Just because you have sex with someone doesn't mean you love them and they are completely and utter opposite, one is north the other is south, ying and yang, black and white, night and day; you get the picture.

    Love is waking up in the morning and looking over at the person accepting them for not only their amazing body and wonderful face, but also accepting them for their faults.

    Love is like a warm day in the summer where everything just seems to go right. I love someone now and have never felt more connected with a person, her favourite colours, how many children she would like, what she dislikes about me, what she loves about me.

    Sex is an easy act, loving someone is not even close to sex.

  • Autuumnbree
    11 years ago

    I agree with your comment love motivate you to see the best in your mate despite their flaws.

  • Beauty In The Breaking
    11 years ago

    Love and sex could not be farther from the same thing.

    Sex, like others have said, is very easy and you can have sex with a stranger you just met (not that I'm suggesting it) but will it mean anything other than a hollow, empty feeling in the morning? No. It's just a physical feeling that in the end, without deep love being there, means nothing more then an entertainment for a little while and some regrets. is when you still feel deeply about a person even when you can't touch them. When you know you're safe with them and they accept and support you. Love is when you can just lay in the same bed and sleep together and wake up, see their face and know you have everything.

    A relationship of any sort built on sex is when it falls apart with the slightest pressure and stress, you won't be able to hold it together when life gets hard. Love is what will keep you strong and together even when everything else is against you and the world is falling apart.

    Love stands the test of life and time, simply sex will shatter like the thinnest glass. So no, sex doesn't make love and definitely isn't the same thing.

  • Formidable Muse
    11 years ago

    As most people said, love and sex have no connection.

    I'm a virgin and I hope to stay that way until marriage. (Because i want to have my whole heart to give to my husband, i feel that for me personally its the best choice. i am not condemning anyone that has sex because thats their choice) But I had a couple very wonderful relationships, that were so powerful because of the emotional connection we established. Being physical is an outward way of showing affection, which is definitely nice. But If you can build a strong relationship with someone using pure connection that will be more fulfilling then sex ever could be.

  • Autuumnbree
    11 years ago

    I agree with you, I like that you're saving yourself for marriage this is very commendable.